What drove your decision to grow?


Well-Known Member
It's just a life I couse back in the day. But 22 years later I can't get away. So if I can use my life to change somebody's going in the same way I will. I just don't want people ending up like me. And im older then tupac would be now not by much. I was the so called skinhead/ peckerwood in afromans songs. No I'm not a skinhead I was just white. Palmdale was mine late 80's erly mid 90's.


Well-Known Member
I've always gardened well and loved it. A trusted friend asked me to mind his grow while he was out. Did that for him quite a few times and picked up on the basics. Knew I was getting radiation treatment and have nausea and that weed cured nausea. He gave me 5 seeds. I planted one 4/20 and tended it outdoors. Got a mmj card. Now being legit, and weather here gone, she's inside getting tlc. Learning as I go, enjoying the shit out of it too. Also, for me, it's a freedom gig. My state says I can and I do, thank you tenth amendment. Feds, say... what... not even listening- Bite Me.


Active Member
I have been smoking weed very frequently for the past few years. I also did very well in school and would consider myself an intelligent guy. With that combination I figured I was capable of bringing a plant up to harvest. I did, after spending days researching mediums, lights, techniques and nutrients. It is now a passion of mine that has saved me thosands of dollars. Just do not let it control who you are, you can be a successfull stoner.


Well-Known Member
I got tired of spending 50 bucks a week on a quarter of brick/dirtweed. I didnt expect that I would enjoy it this much, and honestly when I started buying genetics from abroad damn if my little hobby didnt turn into straight fire just drippin' with crystal. I didnt really expect that either :)
Now, if I could just get the yields up....