what drug and how many times?


Well-Known Member
just write the list of all the drugs youve done and how many times. dont know? guess. and your age might give some perspective on this as well...


alcohol- +1000
weed- +1000
opium- 2
shrooms- 2
coke- 2
script pain killers- couple dozen
script sleeping aids- 60+
script benzos- 100+
dxm- ~dozen
otc- <dozen
herbs (salvia, kratom and a few other legal highs)- a couple dozen - ~20

i wanna get a better grasp of people and their habbits. vices.

now these numbers represent the number of times you got high of it, not how many tabs,hits,mgs... whatever.

edit some seem a bit low...


Active Member
age 18
weed-all the time for the last 3 years
painkillers- a few dozen (i had a broken leg)
xantax- once (bad high)
coke- twice (don't like it it's an addictive drug)
that's it i don't wanna do a whole lot of other drugs just shrooms and acid I don't wanna be a statistic that proves weed is a gateway drug i wanna be a statistic that proves weed smokers aren't bums


Well-Known Member
age 25

weed.. a lot
alchol.. used to a lot, but not so much any more
xtacy.. 5 times i think
coke.. used to a lot
shrooms.. a couple dozen at least
heroin.. snorted once... never banged
crack.. a couple times (during my heavy coke use)
meth.. once (during the time i was doing coke.. didnt know it was meth until after it was smoked tho..)

what else what else..

script drugs.. an assortment of them... here and there.. not big on them...

never got into the dxm or anything like that....

always wanted to try peyote, but its next to impossible to get in my area...

yep.. thats about it...


Well-Known Member
weed- who knows
salvia - 3 times
hydocodone- 5 times
Adderall - couple dozen
alcohol- who knows

I just love the weed... no use for any other really.


Well-Known Member
I'm nineteen.. I've done:
weed- 4 years
alcohol- lots
salvia- 5 times +
shrooms- twice
ecstasy- once

Besides weed and booze, i will probably only do mushrooms again from that list. But i want to try peyote and opium.


Well-Known Member
im 20

weed - everyday
alcohol - lots
Shrooms - 5times +
Speed - 100+ lots for 1 year then stopped completely
Xtacy - 50 ish around the whole speed and pill overload and such
meth - twice
K - once .... shitty drug


Well-Known Member
nice keep it coming. i like the number of times youve been high off them cuz it puts things in perspective. instead of just seeing a list of drugs...


Well-Known Member
I'm 21

weed-i don't know, lost count years ago
pcp-couple times but it was ultra bunk shit ( glad I didn't pay for it )
shrooms- once
meth-once ( don't do everything your big brother does )
prescription pills-too many to count
alchohol-shit loads
everrything else-never


Well-Known Member
interesting thread. seeing as were listing drug use stats expect minor discrepancies in ones memory.

27yrs old

weed - daily for a decade, started at about 13-14
booze - occasional use
cocaine - daily use for about 3 yrs and 5 yrs clean:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
MDMA(ecstasy) - close to 1000 im sure in just pills, lots of pure as well. its my recreational drug of choice when i get to go out.
opium - several hundred times. i almost always keep a small amount around.
2C-x's - couple dozen times
LSD - couple hundred hits or so
mushrooms - 50+

EDIT: lots of nitrous...usually near the end of a roll.

no pharmies, junk, meth, GHB, cough syrup, or jenkem for me! not that i judge people by the drugs they do.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
age 21

Ganja-haha i couldnt count if i wanted to
opium-couple times
shrooms-couple times
coke-hmmm...damn i love it but dont do it
crack- did it when snortin yay
ice-tired it
xanax-smile your on xanax, more than a few
darvocet-few times,worthless painkiller
zanaflex-skelital relaxant, once, it was good
methadone-couple times
morphine- once
valium- once
soma- once
percocet- more than a few times
salvia- few times
alcohol- presently an alcoholic
Oxycontin/oxycodone- tried it, like it
codeine cough syrup---favorite shit right here well besides my mary that is!!!! more than a few blunts soaked and a couple bottles drank

and thats all i can remember


nice keep it coming. i like the number of times youve been high off them cuz it puts things in perspective. instead of just seeing a list of drugs...

age: 18

Weed: almost every day for the past 2 years
alcohol: I used to drink alot now only on special occasions
Shrooms: once, planning again
hydrocodine: around 10 (cuz of surgery)
salvia: once, planning again
morphine: dentist visit

I don't really fuck with pills...dont like them. As for coke...well I don't think its worth, too damn addicting. May try acid one day, otherwise I'm not down for anything I haven't already tried.


Well-Known Member
interesting thread. seeing as were listing drug use stats expect minor discrepancies in ones memory.

27yrs old

weed - daily for a decade, started at about 13-14
booze - occasional use
cocaine - daily use for about 3 yrs and 5 yrs clean:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
MDMA(ecstasy) - close to 1000 im sure in just pills, lots of pure as well. its my recreational drug of choice when i get to go out.
opium - several hundred times. i almost always keep a small amount around.
2C-x's - couple dozen times
LSD - couple hundred hits or so
mushrooms - 50+

no pharmies, junk, meth, GHB, cough syrup, or jenkem for me! not that i judge people by the drugs they do.
besides the extremely high amount of x lol i would say this is my dream list of drugs :)


Well-Known Member
Weed -20 years of smoking
Alcohol- dry for months, wet for 16years!
Coke-1000's (freebased for 2 years)
benzo's-script for 3years
Salvia- 10's
Peyote- 2x
Think thats it lol! oh yes Im 35...forgot about amphetamine! Untold amounts of dexedrine for several years lol! Shit my memory....Ketamine=plenty!


Well-Known Member
21 yrs old

weed: 4 years
Shrooms: twice
Alcohol: used to drink a lot, but now cant really stand it
Scripts: around a dozen
Salvia: twice

Thats really it. Wouldnt mind getting some more shrooms and trying LSD, other than that, not really interested in other drugs. Prefer my herb.


Well-Known Member
21 yrs old

weed: 4 years
Shrooms: twice
Alcohol: used to drink a lot, but now cant really stand it
Scripts: around a dozen
Salvia: twice

Thats really it. Wouldnt mind getting some more shrooms and trying LSD, other than that, not really interested in other drugs. Prefer my herb.
i love shrooms. theyre what got me in love with my interest is psychadelics. havent really done that many but hopefully acid is a real posibility soon and so are some rcs. so im getting excited lol


Well-Known Member
i love shrooms. theyre what got me in love with my interest is psychadelics. havent really done that many but hopefully acid is a real posibility soon and so are some rcs. so im getting excited lol
go to hippy shows. theres tons of acid at the shows right now.


Well-Known Member
what and where? i know your in chicago too.
your from chicago?

the city is teeming with doses at the moment. i was at a crappy rave just last saturday and people were selling doses. two of my friends are selling two different kinds(paper and liquid). and im sitting on a few meself(waiting for me and a certain friend to each have a day off at the same time).

hippy shows and raves.