what drug and how many times?

*takes a bow*

yeah, i used to roll ALOT. and now when i do i go big, so it adds up. just remember kiddies... know your source, test your pills anyway, and be responsible.

Haha agreed. I used to sell E in high school, probably taken over 400 so far. I got into testing kits through a friend (I'm pretty sure they save lives sometimes lol)

Weed - Everyday
Alcohol - Just recently cut down after 3 weeks of drinking everyday[College rocks].
Ecstasy - 400+
Shrooms - 2-3 times
Coke - Twice
Chewy Blunt - Few times
Whippits - Plenty haha

I used to sell alotta drugs, so I was handling shit that i didn't even do most of the time. Not trying to brag or anything, but I've had almost every drug in my hand, just never really been into gettin fucked up that much haha. Ecstasy controlled my life for a while though:fire:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Age 35

Herb - everyday for last 18 years
Alcohol- will drink a beer or glass of wine once in awhile (alcohol is bad)
coke- did an 8 ball a day for years and years havent touched it in last 7 years tho
heroin- multiple bags of dope every day for all of late teens early 20s, been clean 10 years
Crack- hundreds of times (in teens early 20s)
LSD- hundreds and hundreds of hits
Shrooms- hundreds of times
Ecstacy- hundreds of times
MDMA- dozens of times
Oxy Contin- several hundred oc 80s
Vicodin- ate that shit like candy for years
Percs- like candy for years
Xanax- was on the Xan-plan for 8 years
Special K- tried a couple times too high a dose and will never try again
Methadone- was a slave to methadone for several years

Now I am clean, just smoke herb every day and occasional xanax or acid or shroom.
I was pretty bad as a kid.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Acid(but I think it was bunk)
Jimson Weed
Xanax(didn't think that counted)

And as for how many times.....I'd say I'm a very casual drug user.


Well-Known Member
i live in the chicagoland area but im actually in the city now for school.

ill keep an eye out for those shows
i cant seem to find any shows this weekend although im sre theres plenty. ill try to keep you informed.

greenhouze made me go back and edit my OP. had to include my nitrous usage.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I used to get dilaudid from a cancer patient in the city.. anyone ever try that? it was what they all went batshit for in that movie Drugstore cowboy... its just like any other opiate, didnt think it was thaaaat special

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
First several times I tried dope (sniffed it) it made me puke... but it was like no big deal, like Id be fine and then all of a sudden turn my head, puke, and be fine again... it wasnt like a sick feeling that made you puke, it would just happen.... and you wouldnt care


Well-Known Member
it was always a coin toss...shit in the toilet and puke in the tub, or shit in the tub and puke in the toilet. and when it was finally over with my back would start hurting again.

i can smoke opium with little recourse, but not alot of it.


Well-Known Member
weed - all my life, off and on with an extended absence while I raised 2 kids
alcohol - right into AA
LSD - in college maybe 5 x
Ecstacy - MDA we called it. In college, probably 20 times. Loved it and it was legal.
Mescaline - 1x
Hash - many, many
Opium - in college, quite a few times
Meth - enough to almost ruin my life; i had no idea
Valium - high schoold (stole them from my dad)
Xanax - had a scrip and became physically dependent and shook for 3-days getting off of it - nasty nasty drug
Demerol - worthless
Morphine - in the hospital, had an on-demand button (accident) - it's like an electric blanket

Now: i just chill with my weed. i seem to be over the alcohol thing because i have no desire and if i do drink a beer, i don't crave another and I attribute my "cure" to weed, the people friendly, evnironment friendly and sanity drug.

age 59

oh and coke - don't recomend it


Well-Known Member
First several times I tried dope (sniffed it) it made me puke... but it was like no big deal, like Id be fine and then all of a sudden turn my head, puke, and be fine again... it wasnt like a sick feeling that made you puke, it would just happen.... and you wouldnt care
never tried smack, but i was a cokehead bad for a few years. i threw up on that shit rather often. wasnt a big deal then either.

sorry stevie, not trying to threadjack.:hug:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I know cannabis saved me from serious "hard" drugs... I had real problems and herb saved me , mellowed me out and changed my life.. SlikWill, would you believe I cant remember ever trying opium? Im kinda shocked... I tried what people told me was opium at a few dead shows but never really got high from it.... so cant say for sure it was opium... weird... also never tried peyote which Id love to try... never tried meth, just had no interest in trying it and its not very available where I am either... probly a good thing


Well-Known Member
ive had too of what id call 'serious drug problems' and each time i realized it i moved away from the situation. coke and ecstasy. coke ill never do again, i know i cant handle casual use. ecstasy i can still enjoy without losing it.

meth just never appealed to me, especially after i was through with cocaine.