What drugs don't show up on a proation drug test


Well-Known Member
My buddy is on probation for having xayanx on him and he has to take drug test at random for two years and he was wondering if there was any drugs he could do that would not show up on a test. He doesnt know how much time in advance they will tell him about the test.


Well-Known Member
i thought lsd couldnt be found in pee after 24 hours...

but can be found in hairs for 7 years... ?


Well-Known Member
hey i was correct !!!!!!!

» Can a urine drug test detect if I've used LSD?
LSD is not usually tested for in standard or advanced drug tests. Because of the tiny amounts involved and its rapid removal from the body, it is very difficult to detect. It stays in the urine for 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
they never found it in mine ^^ but they found some oil ..... oil weed... dunno what that was... but he said its just like heroine ! I LAUGH'd so hard in there ! i was like well sure was a crap drug ^^



Well-Known Member
Did anyone ever notice that forcing a person to take any type of medical test is completely against the idea of patient doctor confidentiality?
Just keep throwing this in their faces, it'll eventually stick sooner, or later, or later later.


Well-Known Member
they wont test hium for lsd k dmt really any psychadelic

they test for opiates crack/coke/ meth x herb and sometimes ome other shit

my po knew i wasnt on speed anymore so she used thier pot and coke only tests on me cuz they were cheaper


Well-Known Member
Ya anyone I have ever heard getting tested adopt alcohol and mushrooms as their new best friend for a little while.