What Eating My Plant?Please PICTURES!!


Active Member
Any Help is appreciated.There are some dull yellow spots,I dont know what they are.There are littles pieces of leaves missing too.I have seen several spiders 2.There is snail trails on the leaves 2.Does anyone know a cheap way to get rid of theses pests?Do I have to?Will it kill it if I do'nt?



Active Member
I would wash the plants and then try to move them to a new spot. Ive used a mixture of
1part tea tree oil
1part organic soap
1dash of cyanne powder

Mix that up and spray and wash the leaves/stems of one of your plants and see if that helps to kill the bugs. If it does then do it to the rest of the plants. I havent used this for ganja, but it has worked on other plants that I thought were going to die and they are happy now.:blsmoke:


Active Member
yeah my friends have the same exact problem theyre about a month old and a foot tall and one has light green shades going through it is there an easier way to fix it
theyre in a swamp/marsh environment in 6 gallon buckets
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Well-Known Member
for bugs check out neem oil. for slugs and snails put salt on the ground around bucket, slimy things wont cross it. old trick from my grandmother

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I use NEEM oil and Garden safe with a dash of liquid soap. Garden safe has clove and garlic, other stuff too.