What Ever Happened to Fogponics


Active Member
That was my grow in the video.
I have run with straight fog. They survive, just don't flourish like they do with the aero to back it up. It seems to help stir up the fog.
All pumps & foggers are on a cycle timer running 1 on 5 off.
You are right about removing the fogger & still having a good grow. I have a room with out foggers in flower that does great.
The foggers really help in early veg, they really help establish the root system. After the root system is sufficiently developed, the gain from the foggers is diminishing.
I am doing a little experiment right now with a XL unit in flower, one with fog, one without. Same strain. same rez.


Well-Known Member
well yeah exactly like I said, use one of the cheap ones to supliment another form of hydro to start clones. Although I personally wouldnt buy one of those $300+ foggers and expect grand results.

I am still courious and feel free to prove me wrong. I however am very interestred in your experment so please keep me posted.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
They work now its April 2009

I think the key to this technology working is that the fog is the right consistency to carry the nutrients.

NUTRAMIST 16 Plant Producer
Complete system for producing 16 plants in a 3'x3' area. Use with a 400-600W Grow light for best results and use an adjustable, short-cycle timer for extra control.

The aeroponic fogger / hydroponic fogger operates by oscillating at a frequency of approximately 2 MHZ which is two million vibrations per second. At this frequency, water is nebulized into a cold fog / dry fog which can support the needs of plants using an ultra low volume / ULV of water and nutrients.



New Member
You know what looks really cool is that i bet you could inject CO2 the the O2 intake on that baby. I don't know if CO2 to the roots would help, but it would rise up to the foilage thru the pot right?


Well-Known Member
On a thread i post i was looking for some directions on how to build a fog box....

this nice person posted this video:

Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker

and if you look at his grow album-- he made one with a ultrasonic humidifier>>>

hope i can help (im still reasearching fogbox's thanks for the help every1 on rollitup if learned a lot of stuff! :) )


Active Member
I am trying to find some information on cloning with ultrasonic fogger.
1. how long should the fogger run?
2. should I use a Dome over the cuttings?
3. should I use nutrient?
4. should I use medium other than neoprene & a 3" basket?
5. can fogger be in same container or piped in?
And any other info would be great, Thanks


Well-Known Member
You know what looks really cool is that i bet you could inject CO2 the the O2 intake on that baby. I don't know if CO2 to the roots would help, but it would rise up to the foilage thru the pot right?

um co2 would kill the roots.
it'd be the roots flooded with o2 it would have to be separated and youd co2 the leaves


Well-Known Member
I would really like to see some pictures
from you guys that are growing with the fogger.

I tried it, spent quite a sum of $ on it,
and found multiple problems with it.

Here is an account from a grower who really gave it a valiant effort.
Nutramist: why not to buy one for growing. - Cannabis Culture Forums

I have never seen a completed grow using this method,
I would love to see a grower show his finished budz.
I do not believe any exist.

You might be able to grow lettuce with this method,
but it would still be low yield system.
Basically you use the fogger and no nutes with rapid ruters for 100 percent cloning and veging success. I don't believe you could flower with this system as it would take rh out of the 40 range.


Active Member
I am trying to find some information on cloning with ultrasonic fogger.
1. how long should the fogger run?
2. should I use a Dome over the cuttings?
3. should I use nutrient?
4. should I use medium other than neoprene & a 3" basket?
5. can fogger be in same container or piped in?
And any other info would be great, Thanks
Hi Guys! I'm new to posting but I have been reading forever!... I was looking for info on foggers and found this thread.
I bought one a few weeks ago off ebay. I cloned with it and am continuing growing with it. There doing good so far. I always hear it is a dry fog but it soaks the roots in my chamber. It's a three head though, so it makes ALOT of fog.
Make sure when you buy one it has the white discs. My friend tried the gold ones with LED's on it, it clogged up fast and grew stuff in the reservoir because of the lights. I use sensi and nothing has clogged yet. It is a clean fert. I would not recommend flora nova or something like that. Its like muddy sand.

I just used 5 gallon bucket and the kit on ebay. It has a really small fan with 6 speeds and a float ring. I just used some old washing machine discharge hose for a tube from the mist bucket.

I ran it 24/7 for 2 weeks to clone, and then switched to 15 on 15 off. So far Its doing ok. The res. gets hot when you run it 24/7. When cloning I left a insert out so it would push fog to the dome. Bad idea. WAY to much fog. The whole cutting was going to try to root it was so wet. Just spray them once a day with a dome.

I am using neoprene and 3 in baskets but with the fan pushing the fog I think I would have used exp. clay too. Just to give the roots something to grab onto.
Hope this helps Guys! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I recently tried fog really hard.

And it was working, however, after the roots grew out to a couple inches, the growth pretty much stopped.

I don't know if this was because all those little hairs started to go away as the roots turned into more typical feeder roots,

or whether not enough nutrients were transferred in the process...

I then converted to bubble-ponics in my 5 gallon bucket, and have been much happier.

I think that fog is really only useful for rooting cuttings. Not feeding sexually mature plants.

I really wanted it to be... However it just doesn't work.

Maybe if you can find the right set of nutes...

I definitely recommend AN's Wet Betty...

You can get it done through flower.

For me, for feeding, it is not really even useful as a supplement to liquid hydro.
Dspec I suggest you get the float for the fogger, it eliminates water level issues.

Earl I can understand your position, and mainly I believe it's because the fog accelerates root growth so much the plant makes rabid demands, and without some other hydro system as a secondary system it will simply make demands the fog can't keep up with, this causes psychological stresses to the plant which then stunts its self causing drawfism. At that point it doesn't matter the stress has stunted growth and drawfism will reign through its life.

However if you build a system like the FogBox using a hybrid mix of hydro systems then you can combine all the strengths of each while leveraging the advantages of all, with redundancy, which is an absolute with Aero or Fog.

Many people use another hydro system to back up Aero for redundancy so why do you keep insulting the concept of needing one for fog? I know there are issues but lets be logical and have an intelligent discourse on a potental breakthrough.

There is a 1 part foliar feed only nutrient formula I saw in the Hydrofarm product catalog for this year, I forget the name but perhaps doing a purely fog based grow would work if you provided the tops of the plants with fog created with this nutrient, while you oxygenated and fogged the roots in their isolated chamber. Who knows, maybe it would be a huge success... no ones tried yet.

All I know is I built a cloner for 50 dollars with 16 sites that would have cost me $300 dollars at retail for an EZ Cloner.... that alone is a reason for everyone to build at least an fogging cloner. On my first cuts I had 7/10 survive on my second time cloning ever, I didn't cut the stems under water, I didn't dip them in anything. I'd say for not giving a damn thats a great success rate. The ones that survived have spinal columns, that's the only way to describe it.

When their already immense for their size surface area is combined with beneficial bacteria's again increasing the surface area another 10-10K times.... I think they will have no problem absorbing massive amounts of nutrients in giantantic bursts of growth, and thats good cause I'm growing THC Bomb and this strain loves to grow... it flowers when in veg cycle.... it grows up past my 100 watts of CFL happily climbing upwards still, has so many side branches there's no doubt its going to be cola city in flower time.

FogBox guy I respect that you're selling those systems but don't hate me when I make my own design. Kudos though for the inspiration. I love your YouTube video for all these people that don't think Fog makes a major difference, GO WATCH HIS VIDEO, those are not AERO roots, or DWC roots, only one type of growth causes this kind of rooting and thats Fog. I've seen monster roots w/ aero & properly airated DWC but I've never seen roots that BIG with that much SURFACE AREA.

I think my point has been made.

Does anyone know how these react to SuperNatural Brand Nutrients or General Hydroponics MaxiGrow/Bloom and their SubCulture A & B?


Active Member
Heya All!

I almost hate to be saying this, but I will be attempting my first grow using a 10 head ultrasonic fogger with Teflon discs. :P The way I will be working it is as follows:

1. Main water res. is a garbage can, full. very small circulating pump inside, on infrequent timer to prevent heat. 1/4'' RO bulkhead connector at the bottom, leading to
2. The fogger res. which is fed by the garbage can from a gravity fed float valve, maintaining optimum levels, as well as providing cool replacement nutes. The lid is tight, and connected at the top is a 1 foot long 6'' diameter tube, where at the top is a PC fan. This will hopefully prevent many salts from backflowing and collecting on the fan. This tub has 2 3/4'' bulkhead connectors on it that lead to
3. 2 "growth tubs", housing 5'' pots with neoprene, no hydroton. These will be "sealed" so no fog leaks out the lids, and at the bottom of each tub will be a small drainage line or two, which will lead to an evaporation tray. This will mean no recirculating of the nutes, so healthier solution, and no PH issues, which are common.

This grow is also being done in a basement in an upcoming Canadian winter, so heat shouldn't be an issue, but I plan on icing the big res if it is. Worst case, I purchase a chiller. The fogger is connected to a recycle timer, which will allow for me to calibrate the amount of fog going in perfectly. My goal is to provide as much as it needs without the roots getting "wet". If there is any condensation on the roots at all, it prevents the absorption of the less the 5 micron particles, which is the real goal of this so called "foggerponics". My first plan is to allow the pushing fan to run 24/7, so the roots will "dry" a LITTLE, but not alot, so more fog can be pumped in.

I guess we'll see, and I'm sure i'll be posting the results. I've been researching and collecting equipment for about 5 years now, and I plan to have a harvest at Christmas (I already have clones on the go). Worse case, I'll do an "emergency convert" of the system.

However, I believe if Large roots become an issue it is for 1 of 2 reasons:
1. roots are too wet, making them get larger to Drink more water, as opposed to stay smaller and be content with the Fog they have
2. plants are poorly supported. Roots could be triggerd to get larger to support the plant if it is getting whipped around alot, or have to rely on large stems for support. A remedy for this would be a SCROG.

These of course are only my opinions, but I look forward to discovering what is what, and I promise to keep the communities updated.



Well-Known Member
Also i was thinkin of some sort of apparatus for the roots to separate them a bit. so the fog can penetrate. just one of my ideas.
and good luck!


Looking forward to seeing the foggerponics setup you described, been interested in it for a while myself.

bongsmilie1st post hehe



The FogBox system has perfected Fogponic growing with a hybrid delivery system. By using aeroponics with the fog, all types of added compounds are delivered to your root system. The problem with fog alone is that it produces particles so small, and do so by ultrasonically vibrating the water and pulverizing larger compounds. They have some good youtube videos and a website if you search on google.


Hello everyone.
Alright im looking for a bit of advice tips ect. I have a 9 by 12 4 gal container. lightproof of course. 2 holes in the top with 2 3 inch net cups filled with aquarium rocks. nI have a 8 in bubble bar inside ad well as one of those reptile foggers from petsmart. use distilled water (city water kills, literally) anyways the fogger is in the back so its not right uinder the roots. we tried this with a smaller container for clones and something from the fogger burnt the container from the outside in...which is odd since the fogger is inside. the bubble bar is also inside with the fogger. Bubble bar is on 24/7. we dont know how long to keep the fogger on. any advice on this or things i could do differently? also i keep a gal of distilled water in there at all times.


Active Member
I'm no expert, but working on it. I have tried a lot of variations, all with success so far, more with some than others.

I will, once i get off my ass, load some pix but must say, that I can't imagine anything working much better than what im working with, thus far.

I have 10 gallon totes with 4 plants in them, started out using top drip with roots suspended in air and falling into self contained resevouir. 3 plants from seed 2ft tallish... 1oz in 60 days. Added airstones to self contained res and next harvest, 3 plants 2.5 ouces added mister removed drip growth exploded w vigorous roots. Removed mister, it was an engineered monstrosoty with almost 0 control. I run all circulating water 24 hours a day, I don't have timers to experiment with so... but since removing the mister I have added a 12$ ultrasonic fogger and the dryish browning thin tops of the roots are now bursting with new growth and in 1 week canopy has doubled in size. Buds are growing at a rate that I have never seen before. This time with 5 plants and still should be at least 4-5 weeks from harvest, based on date started from seed. I am also having great success with the fogger with my premium plants root growth is phenominal... if for some reason a plant doesn't want to root well, I put them in a bubbler made out of a coffee can, put under flourescent and wait till they bounce back... works out great. I am using 400w Mh Hortilux Blue and 430w Son Agro Enhanced Spectrum... I will post journal once I harvest first fogger grow... I also use one small airpump to push oxygen directly to root systems...
My humidy in my room has gone from under 20% to over 40% I have holes that aerate the fog up through the tops of the totes which I presume are also folair feeding the plants. Theres a ton of circulation. The res temp is 24.5 Celcius...
If I had to estimate, my yeild per plant should be close to double that. I will post a grow journal in the future...

And may the Lord Bless you with bountiful harvests


Active Member
I started using fogponics about a year ago.....it is definitely the future. I wouldn't even consider another method. I setup a system that is so simple to operate - it really is boring! Here's one thing I learned - your foggers must be on a timer - if not, it's just the same as using aeroponics. Also, no matter what type of system you use never put anything (pump,etc) inside your reservoir - never! If you can...set up your rez so that a vortex is always present