What exactly is happening? Buds?


Active Member
looks like heat stress any yep its a girl....kep fan by the light to keep temps down and also feed with 1 tsp guano per gallon or similar product...feed every third watering


Active Member
the oldest one was planted on march 11th and i've pretty much done 12/12 under a 400w hps the whole way. Next time I intend to actually do the veg process but this is fine for now....


Well-Known Member
yep...break out the cigars, cuz u have a girl. It's defiantly growing buds and its prolly cuz of the light cycle... if its set @ 12/12 then yes... definatly cuz the light. I dont think plants that are an auto flower strain, start flowering so early. I could be mistaken, but i think they'll grow for a longer period of time b4 they flower.. if im wrong someone plz corrrect me...


Active Member
should I start adding the fox farm grow big(or whatever its called) to the feedings? I haven't added any nutes yet as the soil says it has nutes for up to two months

any help would be appreciated..

+rep for everyone thanks guys


Active Member
also, would it be beneficial to put a couple of CFLs near the bottom for extra light to the base of the growth? If so, what kind of CFLs would be best for this? Daylight? Soft? Warm?


Well-Known Member
Cool CFLs are good for Vegging and warm CFLs are good for flowering. Ive heard ppl having problems using warm cfls for vegging, the plant will look wilted and under watered. Stick to the cool CFLs.

You can also use a varity of different lighting to get all the colors of the spectrum....thats what ive done for my grow. Warm and Cool Floros and CFLs. Seems to be working very well for me...give it a shot


Active Member
Dont add any ferts cuz the soil has some...it gets kinda hairy when u mix nutes with soil that has nutes in it...i would add a very minute dose and check 2 see how they handle...the last thing u want to do is commit murder...lol peace p.s. Have heard only good things about that nute