What games do you play?

takes me like a few rounds to get used to new keyboards i hate that

Do you prefer the flat button style or the raised button? I seriously cant get used to the flat keyboards!!! I'm used to the clickity clack of the keyboards from the 90's lol
Do you prefer the flat button style or the raised button? I seriously cant get used to the flat keyboards!!! I'm used to the clickity clack of the keyboards from the 90's lol
raised but not like white keyboard style LOL.
NOOO, no no, not like the white style! those things were HORRIBLY loud! And the keys always seemed to stick on those ones? Maybe it's just me?
Call me crazy but i like the Chiclet keyboards.
i use to be big into facebooks texas holdem poker and the dreded mafia wars until i began dabbling in the oddly entertaining castleville. downside to MW an CV are when zyngas servers are up crapola creek them games loaidng times are like watching the finals of the snails 100 meter sprint! SLOW! lol
i use to be big into facebooks texas holdem poker and the dreded mafia wars until i began dabbling in the oddly entertaining castleville. downside to MW an CV are when zyngas servers are up crapola creek them games loaidng times are like watching the finals of the snails 100 meter sprint! SLOW! lol
.... those are not games .LOL
Any Dynasty Warriors fans here? Orochi 3 is coming out in march, I was about to import the damn thing I was so tired of waiting.
I don't do games much. I got stuck, but need to get back to Limbo. There's a demo on Steam - it is $9.99. I got it on the last big sale.
