What games got you into gaming?

Old school stand-up video games. Going to the arcade with a pocket full of quarters was the shit! You walk in and it's so noisey and overwhelming. Some arcades would have music playing in the back ground and if you went to the bigger arcades they even had a snack bar. Arcades were magical places where you could get lost for hours.

My favorite game was SPY HUNTER..With the James bond type music in the background you manuveur you vehicle shooting, laying oil slicks, and ramming your aggressor.

Played hours of Galga, Asteroids, Pac Man (loved the sit-down style like at the pizza joints), Pole Position, Dig Dug, Donkey kong......

I miss the 80's. I miss arcades....I feel bad for the younger generations because they didn't get to experience it. Those of you were lucky enough to grow up during this time know what I'm talking about.
Oh, I don't know. I still go to arcades. It's all there. I like the one with the full size guns. Quick draw shoot out.:)