What happened? (Newb first grow)

image.jpeg I planted these seeds a few weeks ago and they where growing just fine. ( this is my first grow) i think i might have overwatered but im not sure. The leaves are drooping but they still have life in them. What can i do to recover? Im just using a few Cfls and fan . image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3637767 I planted these seeds a few weeks ago and they where growing just fine. ( this is my first grow) i think i might have overwatered but im not sure. The leaves are drooping but they still have life in them. What can i do to recover? Im just using a few Cfls and fan . View attachment 3637765
What kind of soil ya got them in? Does the pot feel light when you pick it up? What's the light schedule like? How far from your plant are your lights? Feeding them anything? Is the fan always on?


Well-Known Member
Fan could be drying out the soil. Put it on a timer.

Also your soil looks kind of chunky. I like to break that up before potting and perhaps adding some perlite.


Well-Known Member
Never turn fans off .
Adjust water schedule if you need to , but never turn fans off .
I'm curious why you'd suggest that? My fan rarely if ever gets turned on. (probably because I took away it's porn mags) I found I had more issues in my tent with it on for extended periods of time then with it off.


Well-Known Member
keep your fan constant so they can breath, sets a constant temp so you can be a little warmer with your light on naturally


Well-Known Member
The moving fan prevents mold from growing and also help create oxygen your plant needs . Helps to make the stems stronger . I run two fans in my room . I haven't turned them off in 5 years . When one burns out and needs to be replaced , the other one is still blowing .