What Happened To My Plant?

betta take covr

Active Member
Pics up 2morow if it gets worse. but basically I took a plant out of the pot to put more dirt, and place it back in the pot, came back an hour later and the two biggest leaves had softened up and started to droop, any ideas on whats going on? Im not sure if it could just be the wind either, but none of my other plants have the same symtom

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
why did you pull the plant to add more dirt? i usually add a top dressing on after soil settles some. i also trim a set of the lower leaves so i can put more soil up higher on the plant. did you water after you did it?


Well-Known Member
You probley put them into shock or could of damaged the roots. If it's in shock the leaves will pick up soon but if not you could of tore some roots.