Did not see you sure it would be that? You don’t think I need to prop them up?Dampening off? Did you have a dome covering them?
Sorry typed all messed up lol no they did not have a dome and are you sure it’s dampening?Did not see you sure it would be that? You don’t think I need to prop them up?
Should I leave it alone or prop her upneeds light. Very little water. Can be sprayed/misted.
I would leave them so you can witness the comeback. They will stand again.. and more than likely be a little stronger of a stem.Should I leave it alone or prop her up
Should I chill on the water for now until later today you think? Or maybe just call it a day on watering for these 2I would leave them so you can witness the comeback. They will stand again.. and more than likely be a little stronger of a stem.
Throw it away or re pot it in something else.Should I leave it alone or prop her up
Yea was my first grow and kinda used what I had around will definitely be getting some better soil in the future just wanted to get a feel of things think I’ll see what happens before I toss them outThrow it away or re pot it in something else.
That blue speck in the first picture is time release fertilizer, and you need to sift that stuff to get the lumber out...it's just a seedling and can't deal with timber in the soil
only if all the woody material were perlite.Throw it away or re pot it in something else.
That blue speck in the first picture is time release fertilizer, and you need to sift that stuff to get the lumber out...it's just a seedling and can't deal with timber in the soil
Did not see you sure it would be that? You don’t think I need to prop them up?
Oh ya. I'm a fan of Craft Blend. I went through 2 bags, so last time I bought the bucket.Id personally add some more dirt around the stem to prop her up, give her a few drops of water (just enough to moisten the new dirt so it holds its shape enough to keep the plant propped up) and keep her in some indirect sunlight.
It just looks like she stretched upward to reach some light (likely because the dirt is too far below the rim of the cup, which creates shade on the plant) and she just fell over.
It might be best to cut the rim of the cup down closer to where the soil surface is (no more than an inch above the dirt, but slightly above dirty level) so shes able to recieve better sunlight to prevent too much stretching. But again, indirect sunlight will be best as shes still a bit fragile to handle the full force of the sun.
Edit: Also, I know the "pot" soils can be expensive and hard to find. I recommend people to the Miracle Grow Performance Organics (comes in a black bag with a yellow bell pepper on the front). Its readily available at HD and Lowes, fairly cheap, and all organic inputs. Then just get a good dry amendment blend, id recommend Down To Earth's "Bio-Live" or Build A Soil's "Craft Blend", add it to the soil per the directions on the amendment blend, add some earth worm castings (also available at home improvement stores) mix the hell out of it, water it, then 2 weeks later your ready to plant in it. Not only will it be full organic, but it'll produce killer weed, and you'll only need to add water throughout the grow, MAYBE a top dressing or 2 of earthworm castings or my amendment blend.
Oh ya. I'm a fan of Craft Blend. I went through 2 bags, so last time I bought the bucket.
You can get $5 off if you go through this link.
BuildASoil: Organic Living Soil, Fertilizers, and Soil Amendments
Everything you need to grow no-till with organic living soil. Our mission is to support organic gardeners and to provide the best products and information on how to use them. We carry pre mixed super soil, living soil, organic soil fertilizers, organic water soluble nutrients, soil minerals...i.refs.cc
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The 12# isn't a bad deal either. I've went through 2 12# bags so far.Im using the Bio-Live now, but am gonna switch to the craft blend when it runs out. The Bio-Live is good, but the Craft Blend looks far superior just based on input variety/quality.
Bio-live is about half the price shipped on smaller quantities which is why I went that way at first ($15 for 5lb biolive vs $15 for 3lb craft blend), but I've already used 2.5lbs so I'm thinking I'll just grab a 25lb of the craft blend since they're a lot closer in price in bulk