What happens during a medical raid !?!


thanks for this, im not sure if your asking or explaining, but im going to save this page/video to watch later :peace:


Well-Known Member
I got my licence recently...my buddy who has a card from 2004 suggested I contact the locals...fukkin' nerve rackin' talking to the cops...showed them my licence and advised them that my wife and dog live there...no guns and the plants are 10 ft from my 6 ft fence...4 cams locked on the perimeter...they told me that any complaints about grows, they contact health Canada and verify if you are legal...I'm 1 plant under my script and hopin' this goes smooth...girls are rockin' right now...;))


Well-Known Member
you kin bang yer head all you want....but I don't need the heat comin' in with guns drawn...cos we all know how Johnny-law deals with folk...its not a for profit grow...its what I need for quality of life...not lifestyle...but thanks for your imput