What happens???

So, if you jarred it at a perfect moisture level (hard to do) I think technically you would not have to burp it. I think burping is to slowly release some moisture if it’s abit too humid.

I may be wrong, but that’s my take on it. I don’t know about off gassing and what not, I feel like that’s just releasing terpenes that build up in the jar.

I haven’t burped any jars. But I also don’t believe they are sealing completely, because the vault I keep them in reeks when I open the door. They also have humidity pack in them I had hoped would suck up any extra moisture, and seems to have worked.
If you jar buds too soon/too moist, and you don't burp the jars, it might hit you in the nose with a nice puff of mold or mildew when you eventually open them. Possibly, but not totally likely.

Another thing that may happen, again assuming jarred while too moist, is that they permanently smell like grass clippings or have a weird unpleasant "wet paint" smell.

If jarred while properly dry or even too dry, if they're just left & not burped they should be fine.