What Has Trump Done As President So Far...

How is Trump doing so far ?

  • Cuck A Doodle Do

  • Trump is doing great

  • Not sure. Need more time

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Trump seems to be keeping Comey on as FBI director. I guess after helping to hurt Clintons chances he needs to be rewarded.
I do believe this choice is much better than other options, which could be...

And.that gun.criminals should receive a mandatory 5 year sentence.

Punish the criminals instead of the lawful owners. Love it
The 'prohibited person' aspect of cannabis use is definitely problematic. There are no doubt millions of gun owners who use cannabis and just lied on the 4473. Even in legal states, they can still face significant charges for owning said combination of items. The only real remedy for this is to reclassify cannabis already.
Also announced that gun haters can fuck right off.

If you wanted a budget ar platform, better hurry. However, Wal-Mart will be selling silencers soon. Ammo hoarding should slow too.
Ammo hoarding is real. A couple of years ago I sold a case of CCI stingers for $150.
I paid $35 for them at a gun show 15 years ago.

Paranoia makes people do stupid things.

The NRA has cried wolf so many times, I can't believe people still fall for it.
In every election they claim that someone is coming to take our guns away. It just isn't true.
And if a politician criticizes *any* NRA positions, they will be stereotyped as anti-gun -- a death sentence for their careers.

I dropped my NRA membership around the same time GH Bush dropped his -- and for the same reason. Got tired of the lying & begging. Fear and paranoia are tools they use to make money.

Now the NRA is telling everyone that our founding fathers wanted us to have silencers. Wow...