What have i done!!!!!!


New Member
Hi guys.....first grow here an this lady is blue cheese

She is 37 days old an has started to shows discolour on some leaves

Up until now I have had no probs with her I thought she wa burning so moved the light which is now 19.5 inches away from her

Hope I can save her wee bt worried but hopeful!!

Thanks guys for any help or advice offered.



Active Member
Not a pro at identifying exactly what it is but its some sort of deficiency. Phosphorus, iron, magnesium... maybe? Look for a sick plant guide on this website it has detailed diagrams of all the symptoms of pests, deficiencies, under/over watering, really anything harmful you could do to your girls. I cant really tell how big of a pot your using.. but your girl seems big enough to be transplanted into a 4 or 5 gal pot to me! maybe she needs some room to spread her roots a little!


New Member
She has been in Miracle grow soil since day 1

She was getting Canna Vegga made up according to their feed chart


New Member
I changed her pot size 2 days ago an only yesterday did her leaves change

Sh I now in a 10 litre pot a her feed changed he same day I re-potted

Light 18/6

When the pot size changed she got closer to the light which makes me think shes burnt

Height of light from plant is 19.5 iinches.....should this be differet???


Well-Known Member
Transplant to a bigger pot ASAP. It is most likely root bound and starved for nutrients and will recover quickly if transplanted. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Your temps are abt the same as mine and see no problems with it, MG soil as most ppl say may be a little too hot for mj, especially if you're feeding nutes, you may want to rethink abt using some other soil, I'm hydro, just going by many treads I've read., also I've learned that the manufacure's suggestions tend to be too hot, you may want to cut back on the strength.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is fine.

Leave everything as is, but follow DeeTee's advice and cut back the nutes and start over.

Begin very low or even nothing but water pH 6.4 until the bottom leaves start showing yellow. Then start nutes again.

Plants are fine. Don't love them to death, and don't over water. Looks like you're doing an ok job so far, but especially in big pots, don't overdo it.



New Member
So fellow growers......should I remove the damaged leaves theres 4 sets of them all at the same height

I don't use nutes (should I) Her feed has been 26ml in 10 gl an for this week its 37ml In 10gl then next week goes o 48ml in 10gl

Out of curiosity how much a how often should I be feedng her

Thanks guys for ur input n advice


Active Member
They look fed enough. MG has time release ferts right? If so you may want to try a mix with no TR ferts. It could be burning the roots slightly. Especially if you let it dry out too much in between watering since pH drops when this happens and your soil becomes more acidic. But, I wouldn't stress too much about the discolor on 1 leaf. the rest looks healthy from what I can see. get a bigger pot though. :cuss:


Active Member
If there are TR ferts Flushing will only make it worse since water releases them. This is something I read so I don't know for sure. Flushing is a last resort to try and save the plant from toxicity in the root zone. If you did flush you may end up with a deficiency by disrupting the balance of the soil. I wouldn't go over correcting a slight issue. The plant is obviously doing its thing. Just keep an eye on new growth. IMO transplant into 3-5 gal pot, then let her vegg for 1-2 more weeks so she can spread her roots into the fresh soil. Then flower. Vegg time for me is done when I see pre-flowers on most of the nodes.
U think veggie time done then......should I start flushing to get ready for flowering

Thanks Crisp