What I have seen...The new threat.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
The more you grow the more it costs. A small ordeal can cost a small amount. If you grow for yourself it cost less then your internet a month. I had less then 300 in that set
If I used a set up like that in my yard, I would have raided and taken to jail. There have been so many air planes buzzing around where I live it is just crazy. It is like the police are geeking like crackheads, or maybe they are just panicking, whichever. This flying around has been within 120 feet from the ground, which is illegal. It is invasion of privacy and trespassing. In my area you will get majorly harassed if not arrested if you have an outdoor set up period.

Otherwise, you are right. One person can grow indoors with a 4' fluorescent set up and a 400W HPS and be able to supply their own needs. That set up should not cost more than $50/month in electricity and more.

Keep in mind, our country spends more on testing food than anywhere else, but unfortunately, our country has the most toxic dangerous food on planet earth. For example: tobacco; it is now illegal for a company to sell clean tobacco. It must be filled with chemicals, toxins, and must be grown in radiated fertilizer. I know this because the tobacco I prefer is no longer available in this country because the manufacturer refuses to grow in radiated soil and also refuses to spray the tobacco with chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Hey GG nice to see ya.

Testing is only an option and my own thought. I really believe that knowledge and putting it out there will help hinder alot of problems. To get the consumer a little more aware of things more-so then the name of the pot they are smoking . I just wanna see more awareness about things not too often thought about by the consumers and growers.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
Hey GG nice to see ya.

Testing is only an option and my own thought. I really believe that knowledge and putting it out there will help hinder alot of problems. To get the consumer a little more aware of things more-so then the name of the pot they are smoking . I just wanna see more awareness about things not too often thought about by the consumers and growers.
I do 100% agree with you about public awareness, and that the potential for contaminants can be a serious problem, especially in concentrates.
I do not have a solution, but public awareness is a great start. Unfortunately, testing, laws, regulations, control, etc. have done us no good thus far in regards to our food and even our pharmaceutical products, air pollution, and so much more. More rules and regulations always seem to make matters worse rather than better.
Our world is not getting any better, the air we breathe is not getting any cleaner, the food we eat is not getting any safer, but there are so many more new laws and rules being made to protect us, that are not helping, only making things worse. It seems to only be opening more doors for bigger dirtier businesses to sell the people out. I think personally that cutting us more freedom would allow things to function more naturally, or properly rather than having to cut through bs and lies.

There are two sides to this coin. It is not just the growers responsibility, but the patients need to be responsible too. Just taking ones word for something is not always wise. The patients who can not or do not grow should educate themselves about what is involved in growing the plants. Ask the caregiver what techniques are used. What types of nutrients and pesticides if any are used. So, public awareness is the key to open the door. Much like seeing a physician, a patient should always ask about the medication they are being prescribed, what to expect in respect to side effects. We have become a society of convenience, it has become inconvenient for many people to do research, learn about anything, be it an illness, medication, or simply what is involved from A to Z in growing marijuana.

I don't really have much opinion on what would be chosen for dispensaries. Dispensaries are not even written in our law, so I suppose it would somewhat be fair game.

As for forcing a patient or caregiver that is growing to be subjected to testing and regulations, well I do not agree. It is even mentioned in the law that we are not to be subjected to testing. It would be wrong if our courts took it upon themselves to change the law as it is written. It is what the people voted for.

Just my thoughts and opinions.

Hey, nice to see you too!


Active Member
Quoted in its entirety for truth. I see barely used equipment on sale on craigslist because people go for one run then give up because they dont get it or dont want to try. Im afraid to think of what (if anything) they produced and who smoked that product.. yikes

Almost every fucking time I go into my local hydro shop of choice (we have like 6 in this town) there is someone in there who is buying all this bullshit to spray on there plants for mites, pm and everything else that someone who don't know how to grow has. Never once do I hear the guys in there telling them how to prevent this shit with keeping the environmental conditions correct and clean. But then again most growers don't want to spend the big money it takes to have total environment control. I do not spray anything ever on my plants period. And I don't have pests, mold or powdery mildew and never have. I keep my temp and humidity in check 24/7 and wear clean clothing when working. Not everyone in this world has what it takes to grow proper cannabis. Sorry but it is true! Like the old saying "They wont legalize it because anyone can grow it" Wrong!!!! It takes a lot of common sense, discipline, diligence, and persistence to grow cannabis properly. I know of 20+ growers and have been in at least 80% of there grow rooms. I would say only 5% of them really know what they are doing. The rest of them well Common sense ain't so common! Growers in Michigan have a long way to go. We in Michigan are at that point where a lot of people think they can plant a gold mine in the basement and reap pounds of top shelf. I have seen a lot of people with that mentality and I would say almost all of them didn't make it to the second harvest before they got out.

Sorry about the rant but it makes me mad as hell when growers are making people sick. and making hash with pm infested bud is just fucking wrong. Yeah lets concentrate the mildew then when we smoke it makes us super sick.


Well-Known Member
1 set of floros 1 warm white buld and 1 cool white bulb $30 "veg"
1 400 watt system $200 no exhaust shit needed "flower"
1 bag LC1 $12
6 bags topsoil or black dirt $12
6 3 gallon planters $12 "flower"
1 bag party cups $3 "veg"
1 room $?

For under $300 dollars set up anyone can grow GREAT MEDS. It was about $1000 for a new computer and hi speed internet set - up. Hi speed will cost me $60 a month after set up. I can get a grow going for $300 set - up. It will cost me about $60 a month to keep it running forever.

Gonna need more dirt as time goes on and the electric will run about $40 more a month so say $60 just to throw a little $ in a jar for a new bulb when needed. Like I said it is cheaper to grow weed then have hi speed internet.

For the record if grown correctly the grade of marijuana will not lack.

* if room is too small you may need a window or a dehumidifier to add to bill*

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I think this issue comes down to a matter of culture and disconnect.

Someone who is a caregiver is truly, in every sense of the word a farmer. And farmers should, and used to, posses an intimate knowledge of plants, nature, weather, astronomy and biology.

Most growers out there today, providing "medicine" have no connection to any of these topics, they grow weed man...

The fact of the matter is, that if medical marijuana is indeed intended to be medicinal, it needs to be cared for and grown like medicine, not like a product.

I will agree that all the products, hype and sales pitches surrounding these plants has gone over board, but thus is the world in witch we live.

After WW2, a generation of farmers abandoned tradition, in favor of sales pitches on the wonders of chemical agriculture, and to this day 90% of farms are still tricked into this crap.

And it seems that a bunch of newbies, who know nothing about gardening, are being fooled in the same manor.

The organic cannabis movement is just getting started, and allot of quality meds are now being produced as well. (my buddy just recently switched over from chemical deep water culture, to an all organic soil and tea system, based on the sheer fact that he thought my meds tasted better, smelled better, burned cleaner and I hardly spent any money at the grow shop! Home Made Deep Organics)

Logic wins over advertisements most of the time.

We just need to prove to the newbies that more and more bottles wont grow better meds.
I like how simple it is for "hic" to condense the cost's down to a simple 1+1=2 argument, but I'm always overly suspicious of people trying to integrate themselves into a community of growers, when they act like this is just the most simple process in the world. I know from personal experience that I couldn't have gotten where I am now without help. If I were dependent upon dispensaries, or some governmental organization to start, I would have spent a lot more than the 400 dollars you quoted.

I was hit twice with 2 different kind of insects, the problem stemmed from the soil I had purchased, and it cost me a total of 22 plants (not all at once, but 2 sets of 12 where 2 were saved). That amounted to 5 months of work, and electricity bills out the window, not to mention the OMRI certified ferts I was using. These aren't tomato plants, it's not that easy, and while I agree that some sort of regulatory process is in order, we most likely all have first hand experience with 75 years of the governments failures (concerning this plant).

I personally feel that twice a year, we should have our finished meds, inspected at one of the local labs, for contaminates, disease, CBD levels, and THC. Our paperwork should be up for review at any time, and if we're not putting out a safe finished product, that we shouldn't be allowed to supply to people that already have weakened immune systems due to cancer, wasting syndrome, etc... I think the 45 dollars it cost to test is a pittance compared to the lives put at risk from tainted meds.

Anyone using spray's during flowering isn't very bright to begin with, if someone wants to circumvent nature, let them pay the price, by being stuck with their own meds, if they don't have a problem choking down raid, than more power to them.


Well-Known Member
I like how simple it is for "hic" to condense the cost's down to a simple 1+1=2 argument, but I'm always overly suspicious of people trying to integrate themselves into a community of growers, when they act like this is just the most simple process in the world. I know from personal experience that I couldn't have gotten where I am now without help. If I were dependent upon dispensaries, or some governmental organization to start, I would have spent a lot more than the 400 dollars you quoted.

I was hit twice with 2 different kind of insects, the problem stemmed from the soil I had purchased, and it cost me a total of 22 plants (not all at once, but 2 sets of 12 where 2 were saved). That amounted to 5 months of work, and electricity bills out the window, not to mention the OMRI certified ferts I was using. These aren't tomato plants, it's not that easy, and while I agree that some sort of regulatory process is in order, we most likely all have first hand experience with 75 years of the governments failures (concerning this plant).

I personally feel that twice a year, we should have our finished meds, inspected at one of the local labs, for contaminates, disease, CBD levels, and THC. Our paperwork should be up for review at any time, and if we're not putting out a safe finished product, that we shouldn't be allowed to supply to people that already have weakened immune systems due to cancer, wasting syndrome, etc... I think the 45 dollars it cost to test is a pittance compared to the lives put at risk from tainted meds.

Anyone using spray's during flowering isn't very bright to begin with, if someone wants to circumvent nature, let them pay the price, by being stuck with their own meds, if they don't have a problem choking down raid, than more power to them.
These are just like tomato plants.
You ever tried to grow any tomatos indoors?

You want to eat my homegrown tomatos it's on you.
Should we require that every meal and beverage provided by a Caregiver be tested?

What about pizza?
I mean it's crazy man: you pick up the phone and a stranger brings it to your house!
I hope they inspect those pizzas; the fuckers are loaded with tomato sauce man.

If I get food poisioning I might sue them for almost killing me; so chances are they won't use infested tomato sauce.
There is zero legal recourse for 'harmed' patients under medical marijuana laws.
I can't sue you, and you can't sue me, because the Federal governments appealate system cannot rule favorably for US.
It is against the law.

Therefore it is playing into the antis hands when you ask for the unobtainable.
Because short of Federal action we are stuck with Catch-22.

There are some testing firms out there who are also unregulated.
No one can force testing; but you can get your own checked for bad stuff fairly easy.

The Act specifically states there will be no inspections.
You will need 3/4 of the State Legislature to get your mandatory testing in place;
however once one gets 3/4 of them ready to change it it would expose it to termination.
If it's that damn dangerous then maybe Senator Jones should seek repeal of the medical Act...
It's not just Senator Jones that's out to get us, I say we start being proactive about regulation, ourselves, as consumers of a specialized form of medication. I'm not talking about regulating the patients that grow for themselves, but a quality test would be something that could be easily employed, without intrusion. Twice a year mandate to test the product, if you don't follow X regulation, you have a choice to pay a large fine, or stop growing tainted herb. Once you take on the responsibility as a caregiver, you waive your right to the "I'm not harming anyone but myself" defense. If I was poisoned due to my caregivers negligence, I'd be first in line to take some sort of action against him. Also yes, I have grown tomato plants, cucumbers, lettuce, and about 20 strains of habanero peppers. I can conclusively say your off the mark.
Screw everything I just wrote. When the federal government catches up the the wishes of the people, than these tactics should be employed, until that day, I don't want the state coming into anyone's nursery. I still stand behind everything I said, I just know that intelligence hasn't caught up to greed.


Well-Known Member
Dang, there was some throwing down there!
I agree with a lot of this as usual. There is so much preaching to the choir though.
Those of us that are patients and/or caregivers that care enough, and feel strong enough about mj to be on this site don't apply.
I can't see many people that don't care about growing, hanging out on a website where we all try to help each other out to be better growers, patients, people, etc.
I cannot believe the amount of good people we have met off this site. Michigan kicks ass, and this is a good group of people.


Well-Known Member
Yes yes yes there will still be minor bells and whistles to acuire within time but fuk if you ask for them for Christmas it wont cost shit. I know the bugs and you dumb shit hic what about a fan? Cost varies little if you want it to. You also must remember I got 17 years of puffin tough so I do forget little details at times. I am so sorry if marijuana is a real chore for you but do not be pissed at me because I did not make you.

GG - I am sorry you do not have the ability to grow outdoors, would be a beautifull grow I am sure.

The issue at hand is still the lack of knowledge for the man or lady that does not use the internet and or if on the internet never would think to get informed about the many subjects to ponder when it come to their meds.