What i just don't understand


Ok gotta ask why people always complain about helping a person thats asking a question thats already been asked. I mean yea there has been alot of damn questions asked and alot of answers, but each time some one asks a question that has already been answered 10 more new and different answers come up. Maybe not some questions like which way do you plant the seed or how do you induce flowering but most questions asked your going to get a variety of answers. I ask questions because i want answers on the spot instead of having to click very post to see if it has the answer im looking for. If people are going to complain what is the point of the website.......this is a marijuana forum and place of discussion and people need to be helped out. But thats my question.....why do people complain if this is a website for learning about weed and discussung it and helping others out with their problems.


what other point would there be to this website......its not a myspace or somethin where you just login in to say hey thats dumb.


Well-Known Member
So there are three basic camps of growers.

There's the novice who realizes they know nothing and all of this influx of information and research can be rather overwhelming and so rather then spending hours hunting down information that might or might not be reliable it makes more sense to asked those with experience to get direct feed back and hopefully reliable feed back.

There's the semi-experienced. Having finished a couple of grows, they think they know pretty much everything and they're tired of hearing the same questions over and over again. They also know where to get the information they need if they have questions, which makes them a bit snippy when some asks a question they have either answered or know where to find the answer.

Then there's the experienced. They realize there's a lot they don't know and there's always new things to learn. They know that people will always have question and more often then not those questions will have already been asked and already been answered. In all likelihood they'll be asked again. In stead of fighting it (knowing the question will be asked again) it's just simpler to help or point in the direction of help.

These are simply my observations and the personality of the person plays a huge role.


New Member
Read some posts, some books, watch some videos. Why do we gotta spoon feed your lazy ass because you can't figure out how to use either google search or the forum search? After a while it gets really old seeing the same people post noob questions that if they took the time to educate themselvs they would never have to ask in the first place. After you spend time educating yourself and stop just reacting to the plants situation, you will be a lot better off. Like most things in life you need to work at it a little to actually get good at it. If you still have questions at that point then by all means post up. The purpose of a forum is not to have people clutter up the forums with noob questions that are answered in the Faq, tutorials, or videos posted.


Well-Known Member
Try google search with rollitup in the field.. Works gr8... Not only that you will get answers for other forums that may have better info.
In my opinion, i think if someone starts a thread question that everyone has seen 10 times, maybe someone, who ever reads the thread first maybe, just refer the new user to the parts of the forum that can help them and then lock that thread.. it took me a couple months to learn the forum and i had a buddy to talk to about it, some people might not be able to have the luxury of knowing someone familiar with the forum, and they might be somewhat "shy" and afraid to ask questions...
Just my 2 cents, sorry for all the commas.... lol:joint:


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people get pissed about repetative questions either.

Especially since it is so easy to just ignore them when they come up. I find it rediculous that people go out of their way to Bitch and Gripe about a repeat post when in less than half the time they could just answer it and help someone out.

I try to help people who are new to growing because:

A) We were ALL new to growing at one point and ALL of us asked questions and needed help.

B) It's cool as all shit to see someone grow their first nice plant and to know that you helped them out with it!

The problem is that there is so much BAD information out there! I know people say "Do a Google Search" but chances are the google search will just lead you to another dead end. They send you to the same "Grow Guides" that are so fucking basic and generalized! If someone has a very specific question then it is hard to actually find it on google, yahoo, etc.
So then people are forced to ask a question on RIU and risk being treated like a dick for asking the question in the first place. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

I mean help a brother out if you know an answer! What's the worst that can happen, you get +Rep for it?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Kant, personality plays a big role in this. When I was new here and of course I came here because I had questions, I would always start my thread with an opening sentence of "I know this has probably been asked before so I apologize in advance for this question" That seemed to do the trick and no one would get pissed with me. Hope that helps.