===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

Big P

Well-Known Member
Victor Davis Hanson
What if the President LikedBusinesspeople?

The U.S. stock market hasnose-dived. Congress just approved the highest debt ceiling in Americanhistory, allowing the government to carry over $16 trillion in national debt --prompting the credit-rating agency Standard & Poor's to downgrade America'smultitrillion-dollar debt for the first time in 70 years.

Unemployment is still over 9 percent. Private-sector businesses may have morethan $1 trillion in cash, but they will be scared into not hiring or buying aslong as they fear a new tax, a new regulation, a new entitlement obligation, anew plant shutdown -- or a new harangue.

The Gross Domestic Product is almost static. Every classical Keynesian remedy-- massive government borrowing and spending ("stimulus"), near-zerointerest rates, public works, expanded federal entitlements -- has been tried,failed, and is turning a modest recovery into another recession. Neither theexample of the socialist European Union nor that of big-spending blue-stateAmerica suggests that massive government spending and entitlements lead tocollective prosperity.

In response to this depressing news, President Obama still offers the samepredictably stale sermons: George W. Bush did it. The Tea Party fiscalreformers are to blame. Government will fund "millions of green jobs."His political opponents want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

But imagine if President Obama simply stopped diverting blame and triedsomething different.

Vast new finds of natural gas, oil and tar sands have been discovered offshore,in the American West, the Dakotas, Pennsylvania, New York and Alaska. Thisnatural wealth represents hundreds of billions of dollars of savings inimported-energy costs and millions of new American jobs. Instead of lecturingabout tire pressure, car tune-ups or trading in clunkers, the president couldrally the country to go all out right now to develop its burgeoning fossil-fuelresources as a way to transition to future green energy.

Ever since he began campaigning for the presidency, Obama has hectored the privatesector -- talking nonstop of higher taxes, "spreading the wealth,""fat-cat" bankers, paying your "fair share,""millionaires and billionaires," "corporate jet owners" and"unneeded" income.

Such share-the-wealth tirades were matched with redistributive vendettas. Vastnew financial regulations and red tape followed. A new trillion-dollarhealth-care entitlement was imposed on employers. The National Labor RelationsBoard is attempting to shut down a new Boeing aircraft plant. The federalgovernment took over private businesses -- and on occasion reversed the orderof payment to private creditors. New environmental regulations have curbedenergy and agricultural production. Lifelong academics and governmentfunctionaries, not businesspeople, staff the Obama Cabinet and head itsagencies.

But imagine that the president had instead promoted profit-making -- by cuttingred tape, praising entrepreneurs, promising no new taxes or burdens onbusinesses, and offering incentives to open new plants inside the U.S. In otherwords, what if small businesses and large corporations believed Obama to be afriend and partner, a leader who wanted them to make big profits, hire millionsof workers and enrich the country in the process?

In the last three years, the president has increased the national debt byalmost $5 trillion. But what if the president were to promise an end to thegargantuan spending and borrowing by accepting the tax reforms and budgetdiscipline offered by his own Simpson-Bowles Commission so far neglected by theadministration?

The United States should be in a renaissance. In a food- and fuel-short world,we have vast agricultural and energy resources. While there are riots, strikesand unrest from Europe to the Middle East, America remains quiet. Foreigndepositors even now still believe that the United States is the least likelynation to either confiscate their capital or renege on the interest owed on it.China, Russia and India have enormous environmental, demographic and socialchallenges ahead of the same sort the United States dealt with decades ago. Ourmilitary is far superior to the competitors.

After nearly three years of blaming, apologizing, and explaining what Americacannot and should not do, it is past time for a confident President Obama toremind the country that we can do almost anything we wish.

Instead of lecturing some Americans about why they owe their old wealth toothers, why not inspire them to create even bigger new profits to enricheveryone? And in these tough times, let the first family give up vacationing atVail, Costa del Sol and Martha's Vineyard; trim White House entertainmentexpenses; and set an example of thrift for the country to match new budgetfrugalities.

In short, President Obama could end the current psychological depression andacrimony by promising to lead from the fore rather than continually harpingfrom far behind.


Well-Known Member
John Boenher got 98% of what he wanted in the deal. He and the Tea Party own this. You should check out some recent polls.

Big P

Well-Known Member
own what?

the economy being in a double dip ressection just like veryone warned the president it would be if he did his tried and failed policies of the past?

whats amazing is that any president worth his salt would have seen the error of his ways by now and changed coarse. Obama has nothing to offer us except for more of the same, our country is being destroyed from within.

Jimmy carter's second term.

2012 is going to be a route. There will be hords in line waiting to vote this stuffed shirt out

i cant wait, im bringin party favours when the time comes.

just about 14 months left for him to destroy our country left. hang in there everyone!


Well-Known Member
You come across as a Loon. Not saying that you are one, just that you come across like one. Most people in this Country are blaming Congress and support the President's economic policies that the Republicans continue to obstruct.

Better have a lot of popcorn.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Wake up people this guy is destroying our nation. Even his hand picked Democrat economic comission says so, which he has now decided to ignore!!!!!!!!!! he set them up to find out what the problem is with our economy being so shitty, and when they told him its because his policies suck, he decided not to listen to them!!!!!! Traitor!!!!!

Obama's economic commission mirror tea party concerns

Dwight L. Schwab Jr.

, Bay Area Moderate Conservative Examiner
July 16, 2010 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.il
On June 30th, President Obama's hand-picked vice-chairman of his independent and bi-partisan economic commission released their findings. The report was both shocking and expected in the same breath. The shocking part was the messenger delivering the news while the expected was just that; expected.

First the 'shocking' part of the report.

Obama's main appointee to the commission and deliverer of the report was none other than Washington well-known Democratic insider and former Clinton White House Chief of Staff, Erskine Bowles. While many political observers presumed the commission would be a “stacked deck” series of findings both vanilla in content and page six news, it was quite the contrary.

Vice-chairman Bowles delivered an almost apocalyptically worded warning about the deficit and the future of the United States as a sovereign power and influence in world events.

The remarks were peppered with phrases such as “We will go broke, predictable crisis, economy on auto pilot to destruction and destroy us from within.”

The attendees at the press conference were both startled and ill-prepared for the candid remarks. Especially considering the source and the boss who appointed him. Many considered the commission's mission simply one that would take heat off the president by shielding him from fall guy status. The findings alone destroyed that notion.

As Bowles continued his speech, it became apparent that this 'run-of-the-mill' Washington commission was much more. It was a flashing signpost that partisan bickering must cease now and that massive fundamental government changes must begin … immediately!

He left no room for second-guessing for the media pundits.
His particular targets for budget scrutiny included Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment, welfare, and other massive government entitlements. “The idea of taxing our way out of this crisis has passed,” Bowles warned.
In other words, the president was being warned by one of his own that he is between 'Barack and a hard place' as November elections loom.

Bowles' final sentence wrapped up a perfectly gloomy prediction of America's future should the commission's finding go unheeded. “Disaster lies ahead.”
With those words, it was hard not to think of the tea party and their similar calls for fiscal responsibility.

We have arrived at a genuine crisis in this country. It is what animates the tea party movement. Like Bowles and his dire warning, the tea party “activists” are concerned primarily about the nation's economy, foreign policy and self-government.

Reaching across ideological divisions, the message delivered was a blow to the leaders of the Democratic Party who resist the present moment. They remain committed to stale progressive policies and continue to do their best to push them through. To pause and reflect how their favored policies are considered failures both home and abroad is too painful for their base. It requires a rethinking too consequential and disruptive to be willingly undertaken.

There is little argument that some ideas that are presented as those of tea party advocates are eccentric and unworkable, but merely expressing new ideas and hope is better than diligent repetition and failed actions. The definition of insanity is doing something that doesn't work over and over again.

Perhaps it is time to start thinking outside the box dropping preconceptions based on whether it derives from either party. That was the message Erskine Bowles delivered loud and clear.
As Obama's polls slip to record lows for a second-year president, Republicans have the challenge to coincide responsibly with the tea party movement. Obviously the GOP is a real and existing party while the the later is not. But together, their ideas can become the ideas of the present and future. It can be the party of fundamental reflection and radical choice.

No one is saying this will be easy, but Erskine and the economic commission findings are clearly reaffirmation of tea party and Republican principles. The real question is whether the Republicans are up to the challenge and the heat it will produce?
The tea party will be fundamental to the GOP adhering to those beliefs through good and bad times. Belt-tightening and program-trimming, more transparency and greater efficiency are a start. It cannot be accomplished without America sacrificing long-held habits of certain entitlements and federal government-funded programs.

Educating Americans on reality rather than false promises will take courage and conviction. What were once preceived as permanent government fixtures will have to change. That world is gone as Erskine Bowles warns, and it won't be seen again.

The major danger for Republicans and this country is they won't act boldly or soon enough.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Obama's economic commission mirror tea party concerns - San Francisco Bay Area Moderate Conservative | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/bay-area-moderate-conservative-in-san-francisco/obama-s-economic-commission-mirror-tea-party-concerns#ixzz1Ujedo1qn

America will rise again in spite of the Socialist traitors!!!!

God Bless Freedom & God bless America

Big P

Well-Known Member
You come across as a Loon. Not saying that you are one, just that you come across like one. Most people in this Country are blaming Congress and support the President's economic policies that the Republicans continue to obstruct.

Better have a lot of popcorn.

You come across as a "Useful Idiot". Not saying that you are one, just that you come across like one.

Useful idiot:
In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government towards them. The implication was that though the person in question naïvely thought themselves an ally of the Soviets or other Communists, they were actually held in contempt by them, and were being cynically used.

The term is now used more broadly to describe someone who is perceived to be manipulated by a political movement, terrorist group, hostile government, or business, whether or not the group is Communist in nature.

“Lenin called them "useful idiots," those people living in liberal democracies who by giving moral and material support to a totalitarian ideology in effect were braiding the rope that would hang them. Why people who enjoyed freedom and prosperity worked passionately to destroy both is a fascinating question, one still with us today. Now the useful idiots can be found in the chorus of appeasement, reflexive anti-Americanism, and sentimental idealism trying to inhibit the necessary responses to another freedom-hating ideology, radical Islam.

- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Big P

Well-Known Member
Sorry I bothered.

thats all you have to say about Obamas own comission agreeing with the concerns the tea Party has and other concerned American Citizens?

Shows you cant defend your own rhetoric, and this is why you are sorry you bothered, because you have no idea what you are talking about, your just another party shill


Well-Known Member
You come across as a Loon. Not saying that you are one, just that you come across like one. Most people in this Country are blaming Congress and support the President's economic policies that the Republicans continue to obstruct.

Better have a lot of popcorn.

well congress shouldn't have to fight over a bill forced in their face by an incompetent president. Obama just sat back while congress fought over this debt ceiling debate. that was his job. he went on a shopping spree. when his credit card got declined he look over to mommy and said "what happen you can fix it right?"


Well-Known Member
John Boenher got 98% of what he wanted in the deal. He and the Tea Party own this. You should check out some recent polls.

Well good for bonehead glad he got what he wanted. The Tea Party wanted NO debt ceilling raise. But you explain to your kids why they are slaves to the government.


Well-Known Member
well congress shouldn't have to fight over a bill forced in their face by an incompetent president. Obama just sat back while congress fought over this debt ceiling debate. that was his job. he went on a shopping spree. when his credit card got declined he look over to mommy and said "what happen you can fix it right?"
The clown has to have a telepromter so he will know what to say,cause he has no idea whats going on.


Well-Known Member
The Tea Party wanted NO debt ceilling raise.
That would have been devastating. The Stock market is up over 4000 points since Obama got to office. In Fact, I can find numerous articles from the Right Wing Media claiming that Obama Is In Bed with Wall Street.

In Bed With.......

Doesn't like........

If you guys could get around to making up your mind on why you have an insatiable hatred for the man people like me would stop laughing their asses off at you when you contradict your own opinions. It's what you get when you think uneducated entertainers are smart. Raise your standards a bit.


Well-Known Member
Let's keep the rich rich and the poor working man even poorer.
Let's not take care of the Vet who gave their service and is now homeless.
Let's steal more money from Social Security and not pay it back.
Let's make war so the industrialist and special interest folks can get richer.
Let's throw all the social programs in the shitter their just for the working class and poor.
Let's just lay down and let the politicians keep fucking us.
This is my own .02 cents and not copied and pasted from some republican site.
If you really care about this Do like I'm gonna do,
I'm not voting for anyone who's a Democrat or Republican!!
We have to cut the head off the snake to survive!!


Well-Known Member
That would have been devastating. The Stock market is up over 4000 points since Obama got to office. In Fact, I can find numerous articles from the Right Wing Media claiming that Obama Is In Bed with Wall Street.

In Bed With.......

Doesn't like........

If you guys could get around to making up your mind on why you have an insatiable hatred for the man people like me would stop laughing their asses off at you when you contradict your own opinions. It's what you get when you think uneducated entertainers are smart. Raise your standards a bit.

Thats only because of inflation. the banks have been printing money non stop. it really has not moved


Well-Known Member
That would have been devastating. The Stock market is up over 4000 points since Obama got to office. In Fact, I can find numerous articles from the Right Wing Media claiming that Obama Is In Bed with Wall Street.

In Bed With.......

Doesn't like........

If you guys could get around to making up your mind on why you have an insatiable hatred for the man people like me would stop laughing their asses off at you when you contradict your own opinions. It's what you get when you think uneducated entertainers are smart. Raise your standards a bit.
Well that blame you can give Bush. That bastard should let the stock market crashed then and the country would be getting over it by now.

As far as hate odumbass I just don't like his idea of fundementally changeing of America.

Why would obama have some one on his jobs comittee that moves jobs to China?? GE CEO

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Guess who said that back in 2006?


Well-Known Member
Just move out all the jobs we have to China!
I can't wait till we are taken over by the Chineese.
We are weak and under educated.
If we can't earn a living playing on the Internet we don't want to work.
Get out of the house and get our hands dirty doing real work???
Most kids I know are a bunch of lazy fucks that blame everyone but them selves for being fat and lazy, and it's the cops fault that they can't stay out of jail. POOR BABIES!!

Sorry it's past time for me to medicate.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Obama likes our economy to fail because he is against capitolism and wants to be like "see see it didnt work, time for some socialism" but he is a lieing hypocrit on top of that. All he does is lie and trick the fools into supporting him which they braid the rope that will hang us all!!!!

for the life of me I cant understand how you vote for a man who says he will fundemetaly change America, which at the time was the strongest, richest and one of the free-est in the world!!!!! fuckers must be retarted

and guess what, he has changed America just like he said. its a hot mess now!

shit this asshole made the fucking down turn 100 times worse!!! my loved ones cant find jobs!!!!!!!! college educated older people r delivering pizzas!!!!!!

Why if you are the best nation in the world compared to the rest would you want to fundimentaly change that?????

Unless you despised America in the first place. And if you despise America in the first place, are you not more of a traitor than anything else?


Get this bitch made traitor outa here!!!!!!!!!!! fuck obama and the horse he rode in on!

all the people that voted for him that are patriots are doing this:

Bob the builder voted for Obama, and look even he has seen the error of his ways! infact most of the people that voted for him are seeing the error of thier ways. the only asshole who cant see the error of his ways is Obama, as he keeps that same coarse that is fucking us

All the while he watches our nation burn, with a smile on his face.

Pray, even tho god does not exist, pray