Well, I’m sorry I missed the fun! You people are awesome! I should have spent the day here instead of on the couch blubbering to my cat swilling a bottle of Kentucky Gentleman (it was one of those very low low kind of days) But Bombs, Blow jobs, Bukkake and Lesbian sex. It’s like I clicked and went to message board heaven, cheered me right up! Props all around! @Rainbow—I knew zit popping was a chick thing! Did you see the one where after the woman squeezed (nay, sprayed) like a pound of puss out of the dudes back and then she stuck her finger in under the skin all the way to her knuckle to scoop the rest out? It was fucking amazing. @DSB65 thank you for opening up a whole new puss filled world of fun! You rock dude! Okay, well I have a bukkake story to tell, (I’ll bet you don’t hear that too often

NO, no it’s not what you think—shhh, just listen. I used to hang out on this fetish website (that doesn’t sound good either, but whatever, sex freaks can be very fun, although I find bud porn far more entertaining—

anyway there was a chick there, who looked like your average suburban California Girl soccer mom, who organized bukkake parties of which, of course, she was the main attraction. Anyway, on her site she had a Martha Stewart kind of list of helpful tips for throwing a successful bukkake party of your own. The list was very practical— like where to have it, how many to invite, cloth towels or wet wipes—etc. But the part that got me was—snacks— she suggested planning on having some snacks. And my question was, what kind of snacks does one serve at a bukkake party? A cheese tray? And when do you serve them? Before? During? After? Anyway, it is a question I have never found a satisfactory answer to. . . .