What is a good idea to help camouflage a Trail?


I have a single trail to my other trails and I want to Hide It. Its getting a little noticeable. Is clear of trash, My area has vines (Stickers is what I Call Em). Very thick, Full of young trees and A bunch ot bigger trees, Tons of berry's (I think I have seen 8+) The Ground Covered with dead leaves. I wasnt very prepared, Havent found much help on here, And I do not just wanna ask someone, They would then sorta know something. I just need to make my trail look less of a trail Any Suggestions??


You think it would work if I cut down some small, thick, Wild blueberry bushes and spray them with some Green Spray-paint then just pop a few of them on the trail.


I usually lay some dead branches, and green foliage over the start of my trail. someone who's looking will still find it, but it makes it less noticeable.


Well-Known Member
I always make sur to have 3 or 4 access points to my grows and NEVER use the same 1 twice in a row. This avoids the beat down trail problem. I also rarely visit my grows after planting, maybe once a month unless it is extremely hot an dry.


Undercover Mod
The worst part about trails is come this fall hunters might think they are deer trails.

I ran into a hunter last year.

It was very akward to say the least. He was stalking the trail I made to my plants.

The trail looked like it ran to the creek, but really I walked to the creek then followed it up hill.


Well-Known Member
The worst part about trails is come this fall hunters might think they are deer trails.

I ran into a hunter last year.

It was very akward to say the least. He was stalking the trail I made to my plants.

The trail looked like it ran to the creek, but really I walked to the creek then followed it up hill.
Therein lies the secret, I use a different path every single time. I'll use trees and shrubs to walk around and wind my way towards the plants, never leaving a direct trail.

This of course becomes impossible upon reaching say 10 feet or so away from a grow spot...but that's what trail cams are for.:mrgreen:


I have covered the trail with forest leaves, I have more than 4 trails to gain access to my op. Just the main one I use is gettin worn, I would like to put something up or anything to make it harder to travel.There are tons of vines (Stickers) that i have strung across my trail. any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
I have covered the trail with forest leaves, I have more than 4 trails to gain access to my op. Just the main one I use is gettin worn, I would like to put something up or anything to make it harder to travel.There are tons of vines (Stickers) that i have strung across my trail. any other ideas?
Put up a no trespassing sign...kidding

I've considered cutting down a few small trees and such, then quickly realized that just makes people more curious.

The vines are great, I use small branches sometimes just to see if anything has passed through the area.

Not much else you can do really, other than continually improving grow site selection to minimize human contact...which I do in the Fall during hunting season.:peace:


I did go out and buy 4 trespassing signs last year (Wasn't Planning on growing at the time) I never even put them in yard they are just sitting in a closet. I did think about that, but during my youth years I have been in some remote areas and never obeyed these signs, they actually did make me more curious. I have a few larger cut dead trees that I am considering moving to my trail to help block it. I had to babysit them (my girls) to much thats my problem, if it doesn't rain its really drys out down here in florida. I tried carrying 5 gallon buckets of water 1-2 time every other week. mosquitoes soon infested my water, I have netter rain catches but those do not catch much, April was really dry. so I had to carry water a lot which ended up wideing my trail. July it rained either alot or a a little for 24 days strait so i left them all alone. I need to fix this. I dont care how hard it is to get to. Any ideas to make my trail less easily traversal.


I sometimes use stilts when I'm too tired to levitate.
@ Rob Ray.

- I wish I had a pair of some. But I wouldn't wanna run my trails with them, Probably bust my ass on some roots or stump.
- Any tips on Levitation? That would make it all so much easier. Any known strains that have any Levitation side effects? I seen a movie where this has occurred.


The worst part about trails is come this fall hunters might think they are deer trails...

Awe man I wouldn't Know what to do. should I stand my ground, How Should I take more preventive measures.
I to have a creek near my Grow and a Hunting club that is very active during season.
Can you exsplain How did you handle it, what you said and if anything g negative came from this incounter.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
dead tree limbs drag into trail or drop into trail with saw. dogs and cameras + gun works at protecting crop. i do more you can never have enough security. wish ya luck


New Member
The best way to camouflage a trail is to not make one in the first place
couldn't have said it better....360 your site...don't make a trail, wont be found...also try an cover your shoes is burlap,carpet what have you..will leave depressions yea but no visible shoe/boot outline .....


Well-Known Member
Once a trail has ben made any attempt to camo. it will just make it stick out more to any half ass experianced outdoors man

Dead giveaway to any hunter / trapper