What is a good seedbank to get romulan from???


Well-Known Member
Now I know there are various sites that are offering crosses and backcrosses of romulan....but I wondered, is there an legit seedbank that sells pure Romulan???

Don't get me wrong, I have seen 2 places that sell romulan seeds, I just haven't heard anything about Vancouver Seed Co., or Kindseeds.....do they ship their products???....If I purchased Romulan from either place....what is their success rate (recieved shipment).

I was thinking if I had ordered Romulan, and had the seeds shipped to the US....Is either company known for having seeds confiscated???

Sorry for all the questions RIU.

Feedback appretiated,



Active Member
federation sells romulan, you can get it through hempdepot.com

i know that reeferman has a romulan strain as well, but i think you have to go through their website.