what is a normal lowryder yield?


Well-Known Member
my plants are small right now, and they arent supposed to get very big, they are about a month now and not very tall at all.
my question is what kind of yield do these plants normally get?


Active Member
my plants are small right now, and they arent supposed to get very big, they are about a month now and not very tall at all.
my question is what kind of yield do these plants normally get?
You'll need to include more details, then maybe someone who's grown it before can give you an approximate answer...although it's kind of a tough question to answer. I say just wait it out and hope for the best.


Active Member
my plants are small right now, and they arent supposed to get very big, they are about a month now and not very tall at all.
my question is what kind of yield do these plants normally get?
Any pics?? I'm curious also, im 3 weeks in and am growing auto ak and lemon skunk. How tall are your plants at a month?? When did they show sex?? What light cycle are you doing, water or dirt??

Sorry for all the questions, this is my first auto grow and im just trying to get as much info as possible.


Well-Known Member
Any pics?? I'm curious also, im 3 weeks in and am growing auto ak and lemon skunk. How tall are your plants at a month?? When did they show sex?? What light cycle are you doing, water or dirt??

Sorry for all the questions, this is my first auto grow and im just trying to get as much info as possible.

ah no problem! im new to this too, i ask more qeustions than anyone i think, sometimes i ask questions over and over just for a proper confirmation lol.

my plants are ruderalis-sativa. right now im on day 23, but i planted the seeds directly in the dirt on day 1.

auto ak and lemon skunk! i love skunk man. auto ak, is that autoflowering?
my biggest plant is about 6 or 7 cm high, very short, i planted them too far in the dirt , so now theyre all short. the biggest plant has a wing span of 18.5 cm. wing span haha.

they havent showed sex yet, but i can already tell they are all female, just by the leaves, and how potent looking they are, in terms of leaves and growth, and also the way the leaves are, they have a sort of fluffy soft quality to them. (ive grown before, i can always tell usually if its male or female before they hit puberty.) but all my other grows were just random and guerilla, only one row i harvested, life was too busy back then.

i do a 18/6 light cycle, and i am doing dirt.
i'll attach some pics here, im gonna ad you to contacts if you dont mind, that way we can kind of conduct a double experiment sort of thing. (im all about sceince haha)
i actually draw the plants out in my sketchbook at different stages, kind of like a text book diagram sort of thing.

you have an pics of yours? man i wish i could grow some skunk, i love skunk, i had a friend who would always have skunk.

another thing is, now when i open the closet i can always smell them, soon ill have to invest in some sort of scent cover, its smells so awesome tho i love it.

ok enough rambling, sorry for the long thing here, heres the pics

thes pics are day 22 (yesterday) its just of my biggest plant, the other ones are about half this sise idk why, but this plant sprouted on day 6.



Active Member
ah no problem! im new to this too, i ask more qeustions than anyone i think, sometimes i ask questions over and over just for a proper confirmation lol.

my plants are ruderalis-sativa. right now im on day 23, but i planted the seeds directly in the dirt on day 1.

auto ak and lemon skunk! i love skunk man. auto ak, is that autoflowering?
my biggest plant is about 6 or 7 cm high, very short, i planted them too far in the dirt , so now theyre all short. the biggest plant has a wing span of 18.5 cm. wing span haha.

they havent showed sex yet, but i can already tell they are all female, just by the leaves, and how potent looking they are, in terms of leaves and growth, and also the way the leaves are, they have a sort of fluffy soft quality to them. (ive grown before, i can always tell usually if its male or female before they hit puberty.) but all my other grows were just random and guerilla, only one row i harvested, life was too busy back then.

i do a 18/6 light cycle, and i am doing dirt.
i'll attach some pics here, im gonna ad you to contacts if you dont mind, that way we can kind of conduct a double experiment sort of thing. (im all about sceince haha)
i actually draw the plants out in my sketchbook at different stages, kind of like a text book diagram sort of thing.

you have an pics of yours? man i wish i could grow some skunk, i love skunk, i had a friend who would always have skunk.

another thing is, now when i open the closet i can always smell them, soon ill have to invest in some sort of scent cover, its smells so awesome tho i love it.

ok enough rambling, sorry for the long thing here, heres the pics

thes pics are day 22 (yesterday) its just of my biggest plant, the other ones are about half this sise idk why, but this plant sprouted on day 6.
Looking good. I germed mine b4 planting and they are 17-20 days old. I planted 3 days apart due to the ak took longer to germ. I've already pulled one male, lemon skunk and have 3ak and 1ls that havnt shown sex. They are all autoflowering and will not grow more than 24inches for the ak and 18 for the ls. I have a small grow and am limited on space so the AG works great for me and no soil. It's perfect for what I need. Supposedly the yield isn't great on the autos so that why i was wondering what to expect. I hear close to 2oz for the ak and 1 for the lemon. As u can see in the pics they are very squat with alot of undergorwth. They smell quite nice when i walk in the room. They will be ready 70 days after planting so i won't go nutz with covering up the smell. Will start another batch when these are half done so i have fresh batch every month once i make the first harvest. Hope it works.

If i got it in the right order the lemon is in the first pic on the left front. the rest are the auto ak's.




Well-Known Member
they havent showed sex yet, but i can already tell they are all female, just by the leaves, and how potent looking they are, in terms of leaves and growth, and also the way the leaves are, they have a sort of fluffy soft quality to them. (ive grown before, i can always tell usually if its male or female before they hit puberty.) but all my other grows were just random and guerilla, only one row i harvested, life was too busy back then.

Not to shit on ur parade bro, but u can't telll the sex of the plant by looking at the leaves, how it grows, or any other way other than to look for the sex organs themselves:shock:


Well-Known Member
i've goten from 3.5 grams on one cfl to 2 oz on a 1000 watt, so its all what u give it


Well-Known Member
i've goten from 3.5 grams on one cfl to 2 oz on a 1000 watt, so its all what u give it

lol dont scare me like that. well i have 6cfls so 3.5x6 is 21, so 21 grams can be my safegaurd, now i feel better. im sure ill be happy with what i get.

2 ounces on a 1000watt? nice. man i wish i had some money i would have grown a primo crop. but oh well, hippies cant be choosers i guess

the way they are growing now, the big one im sure will get at least an ounce, its doing great, the other ones are the same age but smaller for some reason idk why. myabe its because i planted the big on straight into its permanent home, the roots might be happier with all that space, and the little ones are just in cups? do you think that could do it? i measured them a couple days ago, and the little ones were both 13cm span across the widdest part, and the big one was 17cm.

they are starting to sex now, so what kind of growing nutrients should i give them? i was thinking, a grow big thing for a while, then when they really start to grow hairs and stuff, a flowering fert?? hows that sound?


Well-Known Member
LOok, u can tell urself what u want to believe, but like i said, unless ur lookin at pistils, ur not telling the sex. Humor me though, if u would, and describe what it is u look at and how it tells u the sex.


Well-Known Member
LOok, u can tell urself what u want to believe, but like i said, unless ur lookin at pistils, ur not telling the sex. Humor me though, if u would, and describe what it is u look at and how it tells u the sex.

i'm sorry ive upset you, but liek i said, i could tell by lookin at em they were female. sometimes intuition is a good friend.

when you see a male plant, they are always skinnier, less potent looking to the eye in terms of a sort of fluffiness to the leaves, things like that.

i study a bit of horticulture too, that also helps, there are early signs before the pistols come.
in humans the point of sex, weather it will be male of female, this happens early on in the egg. when the chromosones and stuff are all coming into form and whatnot. bad explanation, but im sure you know what i mean. plants are obviously female or male before they shoot pistols and stuff right? so why wouldnt yo ube able to tellwhat it is?


Well-Known Member
well with lowryders sexing is made easy, i'd have to look it up to be sure but i think it goes males show in like 12-14 dayse and females 15-16 (those numbers arent a hundred percent tho) but if u look it up u can tell whether its male or female perdy fast. as far as nutes they defently like a lot compared to other things i've grown, and i'd go with something organic to help the taste. and the cups should work but arent primo, if ur doin sea of green i'd use at least a gallon pot, i dont no if u said but what light r u usin?


Well-Known Member
ive got 6cfl 5700k 26 watts bulbs in there. organic ferts for taste eh? thanks. yeah those little cups, im gonna transplant them, that was just to begin with. i have the big plant in a pot that is about a gallon. it should be fine in there. i started in there at seed. the other two , i didnt have enough soil so i just put them in cups.
but they all have pistols now, now im 100% sure theyre female.