ohh i understand that. i thought he was sayin a flat three hundred and eight bucks to end world hunger, and i was thinkin, well if thats all we need, illl get my checkbook. shit i can be a philanthopist and a misanthrope at the same time.
those silly numbers are always pie in the sky bullshit, a stupid guilt game like the christian children's fund's 90 cents a day to build a school dig a well import fine french cuisine and dress the tots up in FUBU gear and fresh kicks. if you dont give then your a stingy fucker...
well shit i AM a stingy fucker. if i was in darfur and saw a starving kid begging for food i would feed him, but a fat bitch on tv standing next to central casting's ethnic diversity portfolio of child actors doesnt pull at my heartstrings. i guess i AM worse than Hitler.