What is best thing to use instead of water in a bong?


Active Member
So what have you found to be the best combo. i have used Hawaiian Punch and ice and that had been one of the best tastin hits i've ever had. i would really to see what are some other good combos


Well-Known Member
you make no sense. you never put anything besides water in your bong. Just rubbing alcohol to clean it every once in awhile. Hawiian punch won't make the bud taste any different


New Member
you make no sense. you never put anything besides water in your bong. Just rubbing alcohol to clean it every once in awhile. Hawiian punch won't make the bud taste any different
correctomundo...any extra taste is you drinking bong water...in this case bong punch...plus itll make your bong sticky, slides too...

water - and only water...if you want to make it look "pretty" add a couple drops of food coloring in the water in your percs (if u have any)


Well-Known Member
estranged doe piss. But it must be a deer i just met. Its a hormonal thing. Once we're high we drink fruit punch....... fruit punch does seem like it would taste good. We smoke flavored papers and blunts dont we???


Well-Known Member
I've used red cream soda and had bubblegum flavored hits.

The flavor chemicals attach themselves easily to heated smoke molecules. It does indeed change the taste. And my bong tube is long enough I don't get splashup.

That being said the best flavor so far was pineapple juice. I want to try pomegranate next.


Active Member
well not the response i was hopin for but no biggie. i've tried snow in the bong and thats a favorite of mine. I could barely feel the hit. and usin Hawaiian Punch is awesome and it does flavor the hit. and you can always wash out your bong.


Well-Known Member
I try to get the water as cold as possible. Other then that I don't put other liquids in my pieces. I have cut a hole in an orange and attached it to the top of my bong, you get the great taste of orange when inhaling and the odd smoking taste of weed-infused orange afterward.


Well-Known Member
correctomundo...any extra taste is you drinking bong water...in this case bong punch...plus itll make your bong sticky, slides too...

water - and only water...if you want to make it look "pretty" add a couple drops of food coloring in the water in your percs (if u have any)
that is such bs that bongs are only meant for water... ever tried hot chamomile tea in a bong? if not, you will thank me later. not only does it allow for a bigger, more soothing warm hit, but it tastes AMAZING. I do both hot and cold water bongs, but I prefer a hot bong to really enjoy the flavor of my purple


Well-Known Member
I kind of like hot water. But room temperature water is my preference. Suspended ice is much better than ice water, imo. Ice water seems to make the hits extra harsh.


Well-Known Member
Vodka. Just make sure the flame doesn't hit the alcohol but most stems are long enough that there is no issue. Not a joke. Want a smooth hit? Try it once. :mrgreen: bongsmilie I prefer Stoli over the cheaper stuff.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol destroys the THC. I have used about every liquid I could think of. My favorite is Yoohoo.