what is causeing these spots?


Watch the new growth to see how it comes out, it takes a minute for things to happen in soil, could be a few days, you should try doing one thing and see if it helps instead of doing 1 or 2 different things to it everyday and stressing it the fuck out. I know its hard but you gotta have a little patience with these things or youll just destroy them.


Well-Known Member
I been Keeping my PH around 5.8 to 6.5. I am In soil.
That's a really big range of pH, and is too low for soil. In soil you start getting lockouts of Calcium, Magnesium, & Molybdenum at pH 6.4, so you want to keep it in the 6.5-6.8 range.

In your 3rd and 4th pictures I can see the small rust-colored spots near the leaf veins that will eventually become big rust spots and dead fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I now have big spots and dead leaves. That is why I flushed today to get rid of said cal-mag. Used tap water it is hard and a 7. Plan on letting her recover from the flush and then give her a shot of jug water with a 1/4 strength nut and ph at 6.8.


Well-Known Member
That sounds good. Your tap water is only pH 7? Tap is usually a higher pH like around 8.0 or higher.

I know it sounds like a dumb question and I don't mean to offend but are you sure you are reading your pH measurements correctly? It sounds like all of your numbers you are posting are 1 number too low (i.e. tap water is usually around 8.0, not 7.0). What are you using to measure pH with?