what is flowering?

:leaf:Ok i am new to this whole growing weed thing..but i planted a few good number of seeds and i have them planted outside. What is flowering? I have no idea what the hell that is...My plants just started to grow so i have no idea what they are yet. So if my plants have "footballs" then it is a male? How do i know if it is a female...no "footballs'? I would like some advice...how could i make them more potent? When do they bud and when do i clip the buds off? I would greatly appreciate some help...thank you.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know what flowering is, you have no business growing a plant. ANY plant.

Figure out what the hell you're doing, other than trying to get a free high, THEN come back and ask intelligent questions.

Seriously, why are you even trying to grow if you don't understand the most basic aspects of the plant?


Well-Known Member
ya gotta do a lil bit of searching people here rn't gonna really even want to answer, click on the link that says F.A.Q... let that b ur bible for the next few days, then come back n ur questions will b more in depth.. that f.a.q. should teach u ALL the basics.. n BTW where u live at that u JUST planted ur seeds outside? i hope its a climate thats warm 365 days a year... cuz if u get frost/snow/winter, then its too late n ur not gonna see anything from the plants.. n to b nice, there r two different parts to growing a plant.. there is the 1st state (vegetation) where the plant just grows.. n grows.. n grows.. all it does in this stage is grow.. no buds, just plant,stems n leaves... then the sex of the plant shows, n if there r little pollen sacs (little "footballs" as u said) its a male, if it has a big OBVIOUS white hair sticking out of a node.. not green WHITE, then its a female.. then the next stage is flowering, where the little white hairs (pistils) are, soon becomes budsites, which soon develop buds..

good luck on ur grow

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Anyhow I read until my eyes hurt and you want to know what flowering is.

I googled "marijuana flowering" for you - enjoy

The flowering stage of growing marijuana plants
Cannabis Buds | Important: Nutrients & Patience
(click to enlarge ANY images)

The flowering stage of marijuana growth is probably the most satisfying, as your hard work and devoted time begins to show a pay-off. It's also a very telling time for the sex of your plants. Once your plants have reached 20" inches or so and look strong and green (well nourished), it is then time to change your lights to 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF. This makes your plant think that Fall has come, and that it is time to begin flowering (budding).
This is a separate room in my garden. You do not want ANY light when it is in it's OFF cycle (none). Schedule your gardening time for when the lights are ON. You can garden in the night cycle, but you need to get green light bulbs - it's enough for you to see, but does not harm the plants at all.

You may notice, I DO cut off some large fan leaves as the plant grows (just a few), which allows more light to get to the lower buds on the plant. Depends on your set-up.
Remember what time your "dawn" was? This is where I want you to keep that the same. In other words, if you were running 18 hours ON and your dawn was at 4:00 a.m., then we still want your dawn at 4:00 a.m. So set your timers to 12 ON and 12 OFF starting at 4:00 a.m. (my time example).
This adds no additional stress to your plants, and has their "sun" coming up at the same time as in the vegetative stage. Anything that does NOT promote stress is very good.
Sexing: Unless you are planning on breeding (not cloning, but breeding), then you will be destroying your MALE plants as soon as you can define their sex. Here is an excellent photo of the female marijuana plant. You will distinctly see two pistils at the branch "joints", you will generally see this difference within 10 days after moving into this flowering stage light period. We want female marijuana plants (sensimilla) only - high in THC, low (to no) seeds.
Lights: We have changed our lights to 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF. This now makes the plant think "Fall" has come, and moves it into this final flowering stage. Keep high intensity lamps about 2 feet from the plants... fluorescents can actually be touching the plants. Put a thermostat by your budding tops to see if they are too hot - that would mean the lights are too close.
Temperature & Humidity: We still attempt to maintain 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit when the lights are on. Too HOT is NOT good in this phase.
Watering: Same applies, water when plants are dry (reference germinating for more watering frequency information). Crusty top dirt dry.
Air Circulation: Keep the air circulating with fresh air. Do not 'blow' the fans directly on the plants for extended periods... blow the air 'around' the cannabis plants. They require the fresh air exchange.
Nutrients: Stop with Nitrogen nutrients at this time. The plants need more Phosphorous and other nutrients during this stage. PH level affects all the stages of marijuana growth - on a scale of 1-14 - seven (7) is neutral. The ideal PH range for cannabis is 6.5 - extremes above or below this level will slow growth and be a give-away that something is not right.
You want Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium and some Sulfur (there are other micro-nutrients usually found in good blooming feeds).
Once a plant 'shows' slow growth or visible symptoms of any kind, it has already experienced nutritional stress. Allow some time (once diagnosed & corrected) for the plant to recuperate to a vigorous growth stage. This is an entire science and I do not have enough space here to cover it all - but I want you to know the important stuff.
Length of Flowering Stage: This will vary for every type of marijuana plant. Generally, the seeds come with an indication of the flowering stage length. However, that is not necessary in knowing the best time to harvest your cannabis plants. You should have (or buy) a small 30X magnifier (my recommendation) - or, you can also view the buds with an 8X magnifier, but you DO want a good magnifier to help you distinguish the absolute best time to harvest your marijuana plants.
You have noticed the "snow" like effect all around your buds - these are the trichomes that actually contain the THC we are seeking. When magnified, these tell you exactly when she is ready for harvest.


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say u guys r kinda bein assholes to the guy lol, but green cross comes thru with the most obvious answer.. how come people havent learned that google controls the world? type in anything.. anything.. n its there..


New Member
Lol yeah like said above read. Just type in how to grow marijuana in any search engine or on here in the noob section it will answer many of ur questions other than that water no more than 1 every two days and no less than once a week and they should cruise through. As for ur question if they just came out of the ground they are seedlings they will next hit veg and then when u change ur lightin to 12/12 it will "flower" thus making the whole adventure worth it. Usually in about 2 1/2 months after 12/12 they will be ready to harvest again this is just a rough guide but should get you by till u get read up on it... But no one is gonna jump in here and lay it out for u. Someone may link u somewhere but this is a thread we see 10 times a day so u can understand why no one wants to type out so many details when they know it will just be asked again. Also this is the one question (how to grow) that truly has NO answer. Just cause I grow my herb like this doesn't exactly mean u can replicate it and expect results what works for one may not work for another so pick up some books search around the web and aquire the knowledge u need and apply it in a way YOU see fit. Find what works and don't change it and remember k.I.s.s. (Keep it simple stupid)
well thank you everyone...except for the asshole. By the way i am a woman. And I live in FLorida...so it is pretty warm all the time.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you guys are encouraging this person. they obviously want someone else to do all the work for them, while they sit back and reap the rewards.

And you all played right into their hand..

If this person gave a rat's ass about learning how to grow cannabis, they could have GOOGLED "marijuana flowering" in less time than it took for them to create this thread.

It's like the people who post pictures of random weeds and ask if it's cannabis. If they were really that motivated to find out, why the hell are they wasting time posting on a forum?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I just bought this bottle of Tylenol but I'm not sure how many I should take. The lady at the store didn't know either when I asked her. She said look on the bottle...WTF does that mean? I mean, my head hurts really bad and I think I need to take some.. but what if I don't take enough? How many is too many? If I take 2 and it doesn't work, do you think I can take 3 and that would be okay? What's in this stuff, anyway? :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
doobnva stfu.... u must be so incompetent that u dont realize that they know absolutely NOTHING that they should.. if ur post isnt informative dont even bother leaving one... ur just wasting ur breathe.. n ur wasting MY oxygen.. so seriously.. stfu, n go bash on sumone else u fucking mook


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm PMS'ing a little bit, I know... I just can't believe you guys are so freaking HELPFUL!

Come on, what happened to "throw 'em in the water! They'll learn to swim or they'll drown"?


Well-Known Member
(not literally oxygen, but rather bandwith, that could've been used for something more productive, like a helpful answer)


Well-Known Member
doobnva stfu.... u must be so incompetent that u dont realize that they know absolutely NOTHING that they should..

LOL!! I DO realize they know nothing that they should. That's why I'm not about to spell it all out for them. How does that make ME incompetent? Do you even know what that word means?

If they wanted to know, they'd FIGURE IT OUT one way or another.

Instead, they're asking US to do all the research for them.

I don't fucking think so.


Well-Known Member
cuz over the past year i've learned a lot, i came here asking question like this, n its the people that like to help that make this website such a wonderful community... seriously just keep negative comments to urself.. if u have something to say about something, start ur own thread on how ur annoyed when people ask for help.. its what the website is here for ya know? so just chill out smoke a bowl, and if u think sumones opinion is wrong, bash that, dont bash people that just ask the question, focus on bashing the people who give shitty advice ;-)


Well-Known Member
yea u fuck incompetent is when someone cant possibly grasp the idea of something, like how u cant seem to wrap ur head around the idea that these people need help.. therefor u r incompetent u little nutsac.. seriously im one to b nice, but when little fuckers like u decide to go n just talk shit they deserve to die... not enough room on earth for the degenerates like urself.. dont post anything that doesnt need to be posted.. r u THAT fuckin stupid that u dont realize ur wasting ur time on the post anyways? u have already posted more responses than anyone but myself.. n ur not doin shit but complaining.. grow a pair, grab on to em.. n stfu for a while

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Everyone is a noob sometime. Don't act all high and mighty because you know something and they don't.

Granted a little research goes a long way, but some people just need to be told to google things before you ask them.

Jonathan Chick...Google is your friend. Make it your home page. Direct your questions there first, and anything upon which you need clarification can be asked here. There is much knowledge to be learned and this website is a good place to start, but start small and understand the theory of what you are trying to do (grow marijuana) before you throw some seeds in the dirt and ask "What Now?"


Well-Known Member
LOL, this thread has took a turn for the worst... But kinda entertaining. I think the OP's original question was wack and didn't really deserve a resonse at all. I know we all want to help out, but some people are just being lazy. It would take 5-10 minutes of reading for her to have answered the question herself.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is a noob sometime. Don't act all high and mighty because you know something and they don't.

Granted a little research goes a long way, but some people just need to be told to google things before you ask them.

Jonathan Chick...Google is your friend. Make it your home page. Direct your questions there first, and anything upon which you need clarification can be asked here. There is much knowledge to be learned and this website is a good place to start, but start small and understand the theory of what you are trying to do (grow marijuana) before you throw some seeds in the dirt and ask "What Now?"

exactly, when u r looking up general terms, google it first, but when u have a detailed question, that u cant easily find an answer to, then post the question..

like i said before, open up the F.A.Q. and stay there for a while.. EVERYTHING u will need to know to get started is in there..