What is generally accepted as the highest yielding form of hydroponics??


Well-Known Member
Because ive read that NFT is pretty much the best hydro way for massive production, but then im reading that aeroponics gives you just as good results, but is harder.

Ive got a 1.2m2 grow tent and am looking to change the way i grow (or containers)
as i use flo-gro 500s (flood and drain/ebb n flow) tubs but i cant fit more than 3 in my tnt due to the shape of em, there not designed for growtents it seems. Anyone suggest a better/neater/more efficient system where i can fit like 4 or more big plants in the tent?


Active Member
No idea about the best yielding way to grow , but if you want to do a couple of big plants , i'd recommend bubble buckets(dwc) very simple , and so far from what i've seen they are easyer to grow in than soil imo.

Or you could try the aqua farm thing's that Heath robbinson use's for some monster's.

Biggest indoor plants i've seen came from that man right there , so i'd check out some of his grows.



Shit like that is what we can all aspire to be one day, guys my fuking hero tbh lol