What is going on!?!? PICS!

hey guys, please help!

1x1x1.8m grow tent
600w hps solis tek dimmable w/ 6" cooltube + inline fan
5" centrifugal and carbon filter
6" clip fan for air movement

1x Freddy's best fem
2x WWxBB

Organic potting mix
15-20% 50/50 perlite/vermiculite

I germed these seeds like 20 days ago now, popped through probably 16 days ago. seemed fine when they came through, a slight bit of stretching as they werent under lights when they first came up. Re-buried two so there wasnt so much stem showing.

I had them in huge pots, like 12-15L, and they were stunted as hell. I got some advice on here that I was probably overwatering due to the soil being dry all the time as a result of being in such large pots. Then was told to move into way smaller pots which is what I did. So since I moved into smaller pots I dont need to water as much. In the bigger pots, the top 2-3" were dry in 24 hours, yet when I transplanted into smaller pots the soil stayed moist for like a good 48 hours and so I basically hadnt watered for three days.

They dont look good, theyre starting to fade, cots are going yellow. They didnt really like lots of water, they seem to not be changing now that Ive held back on watering and I have no idea whats going on.

The only thing I can think of is would it be possible for me to have watered too much water on each occasion therefore flushing nutes from the soil? Like I got quite a bit of runoff for the first few waterings and usually at least 10% runoff there after. I use rhizotonic and I used 1/10th strength nutes once but then back to watering normal.

It just doesnt make sense, lighting is good, temps are good. the leaves arent showing signs of burn just faded. cots kinda look burnt but also just look spent like theyre drying up because theyve wasted all their nutes. Rootball was good on transplant, held soil together would have fulled a large mug! whats going on? Thinking maybe I flushed out nutes in soil and should maybe start using some?
20130501_213441 (768x1024).jpg
20130501_213127 (768x1024).jpg
20130501_213228 (768x1024).jpgThat is what they look like now. the one in the purple pot is slightly healthier than the others as it was the one that wasnt re planted deeper after stretching. they were all planted into these pots 4 days ago. notice cots fading and going yellow. Thinking maybe its an N deficiency?? due to too much runoff and having to water these big pots heaps.

Here are the pots they were in and the set up
Have moved the plants further from light prob about 30" now and turned down to 400w

Would like to hear your thoughts and discussions.

I thought overwatered too but just gave it 3 days since last water and the pots were pretty much dry. leaves stayed the same didnt perk up at all. stay the same when I water too. Just fed one and watered another plain to see what happens. hopefully one will get better and one stay the same or get worse. If I had been watering those big pots a fair bit do you think i could have washed nutes out of soil? theyre quite pale like N def.

How is the Carbon filter not doing anything? keep in mind that the tent is usually closed and sealed running negative pressure.
When they were in the big pots the soil would be nearly dry after 12 hours down three inches. so had to water once a day to keep roots moist for such small plants. when I transplanted the rootball nearly filled the pots and I havent had to water since then as soil now felt moist for longer. I transplanted on sunday night. Now on thursday morning they feel dry for the first inch or so so I re watered. next time going to go five days though. that will mean soil is dry right through to the bone.
also, I just had a really close look at them and the stems are really purple. the leaves are fluoro light green and the undersides are going a purpleish color. the two that were re potted have the most purple and are starting to purple on top. there is no signs of burn just fading to purple.


Well-Known Member
if its not too cold at night you could probably get away with putting your seedlings by the window, too cold being <65deg F. I know your hps is dimmable (if your using it your just wasting bulb life and efficiency) but all you need is a couple cfl's in a box for those baby's. the cfls can be 1' away from the plant and slowly broughten towards the plant, as the foliage gets bigger. Once the foliage gets big enough it shields the soil from the light and helps reduce evaporation. This means watering less. I think that theyre yellow cause they dont like your HPS and if you got a 6500k spectrum bulb of some sort they will go green no doubt. also your temperatures must not exceed 80F or go lower than 70F, and >40% humidity and <70% humidity is good for seedlings
( i like to use 20fl Oz tall coffee cups for seeds, they allow the tap root to go straight down and also you can just cut the coffee cup for transplant)
if its not too cold at night you could probably get away with putting your seedlings by the window, too cold being <65deg F. I know your hps is dimmable (if your using it your just wasting bulb life and efficiency) but all you need is a couple cfl's in a box for those baby's. the cfls can be 1' away from the plant and slowly broughten towards the plant, as the foliage gets bigger. Once the foliage gets big enough it shields the soil from the light and helps reduce evaporation. This means watering less. I think that theyre yellow cause they dont like your HPS and if you got a 6500k spectrum bulb of some sort they will go green no doubt. also your temperatures must not exceed 80F or go lower than 70F, and >40% humidity and <70% humidity is good for seedlings
( i like to use 20fl Oz tall coffee cups for seeds, they allow the tap root to go straight down and also you can just cut the coffee cup for transplant)
thanks nizza, temps dont get above 80 and if they do for a short while its not more than a couple of degrees. night temps are about 65. Keeping the temps between 10degrees is not an option for me it would cost too much. will run the lights at night to balance it out a bit. The cotyledons are dying and theyre so small, do you think this is from too much nutrient in the soil or theyve used it growing roots and staying alive?