What is going on with kids today?


Well-Known Member
My 7yr old is so materialistic it makes me sick. This year for xmas after he opens presents im making him pick half of them to give to the kids at the local shelter on xmas day.


New Member
Parents could be to blame, but imo I think it's society that's fucked up the youth. Think about it, everything is materialistic nowadays. No one cares about living justly, or maintaining peace. Our world is a rat race with dog eat dog mentalitys. That's not the way it should be but thats the world we live in
Nah it's the parents not paying attention.
Agreed Brizzy. Kids today have grown up on computers and put everything up on youtube. GD kids abusing elderly people so they can post it later. Kids provoking teachers until they lose their cool so they can post it later. We have taken away all discipline and accountability. Kids are running the show and they know it. Video games have ruined a generation and the games are only getting better. Our future looks bleak.
Again, kids don't have discipline because of bad parents.
i had my ass handed to me by my mother, the problem is kids do not fear cause all they need to say it YOU CANT HIT ME OR ILL CALL CHILDRENDS AID or whatever its called in your country and then BAM youre the bad parent. kids are out of fucking control these days but there are of course good kids too...
Yeah back then was alot different, now spanking is called child abuse.


Well-Known Member
Amazing responses on here....and none of them even know that the OP Growery is a black guy either. Makes it that much more fucked up for him to listen to doesn't it.

Pretty awful. Maybe their parents need a talking to over this one. It might change some lives.

Didn't mean to out you on this Growery, just thought it adds to the story line.


Well-Known Member
HE should get a trampoline and jump on it while they are talking like that so they can see each other every few seconds. When they see him, he should yell "WOOGIE BOOGIE!"