What is going on with my plants


I have 1 G13 labs Pineapple Express auto and one Northern lights x skunk 2 weeks into flowering and just started to show sex. But now the leaves are spotting!! I am under a 400w HPS about a foot away from the top of the pineapple ex using GH nutes at half strength and I feed like every other day or so with a ph run off of 6.4 through hydroton. I thought this might be a calcium def, but not really sure... Please help---need guidance......



New Member
What PH are you feeding them at? needs 5.8 in. Half-strength means what in PPM or how many ml?

Running in all hydroton? needs fed 2 times a day minimum. Needs more nutrients !!


Is it possible for ppm to be to low?? Should I use tap water instead of distilled and filtered water???