What is going on?


Well-Known Member
Slight browning on the 'ribs' of some leaves... yellow progressing from the inside of the fan leaves to the outside, [ not too serious ] and some rust colored spots showing up that indicated a magnesium deficiency - but I have juiced them pretty good with cal mag plus, as well as Micro by GH.

There is also some claw-like formation on my new leaves coming out of the top of the cola. (pics)

{they are at 660ppm now, about a month and a week old } pH - 5.8

I cant figure it out... any and all help appreciated.

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maybe the ph is way to low.. cannabis plants should be close to 7.0 as possible.. or wuts ur humidity at? temperature?
Hello mate, Your PH is 5.8 so I assume your in Hydro?...the first few pics looks like chem burn to me...a mild case...maybe those leaves got dipped in the solution as they are at the bottom?

Dont worry they look fine.. To me its looks like the plants are telling you that they can just about handle the nutes you gave them...just keep track of what you are feeding and when... trying lowering it slightly..and up maybe try the same dosage next week when they are hardened and a lil bigger and older...

keep checking the PH, both when you put it in and in the res tank..your prob doing that anyway but thought I would say just in case... as long as you stick to a good feeding shedule I can not see this being a grwoing problem...its hydro...get the right balance in the res and you plants will recover..just keep a note of what you are doing and when incase you clone any and re-grow next time.