What is happening to my plant!!! PICS*


Well-Known Member
So all the leaves surrounding the buds on my tallest plant are very droopy and thin, none of my other plants are like this and they have all been treated the same, I need help! I have a feeling this is something to do with some lacking nutrient...



Well-Known Member
how much and how often are you watering, it looks like its drowning

I've been running that plant very dry due to a fungus gnat problem, so I'm gonna have to say once very two or three days I water it. I have one of those sticks that you stick in the dirt and it tells you how wet it is, and I always keep it in green so I don't think it could be that...

Temp stays between 72-84
Humidity stays between 32-45


Active Member
I had this exact same problem, it was isolated to a portion of one plant.
The "Clawing" effect can apparently be caused by over water, poor ventilation, or an excess of nitrogen.

My ventilation was fine so I reduced my water schedule for that one plant, and also changed its feed makeup.

Within a week, most of the clawing was starting to go away, new leaves grew without clawing.

Try a flush, maybe no nutes for that plant so you can isolate the problem.

The clawing is permanent damage, judging by how clawed they are they probably wont fan out again.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I'll reduce water and see what happens, I have a great ventilation system running so I know it couldn't be that...