what is happening to these? very concerned

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

its the cynothoglys i think, just a bit more round.

I went today and sprayed with neem oil, i will fill up the bottle with dish soap and go back soon to start that.

one of them is looking kinda weird where the pistols are meant to come out. im not sure if this is a male or hermi because there are some hairs coming out at some spots and other spots it looks like a tightly curled up leaf.
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what ya go there is the nymph stage of the Common Spittlebug.

the stuff that looks like spit is actually ummm... well... for lack of a better term, Santorum.

a frothy mix of anal secretions with bubbles blown into it by farts (no joke they really are that nasty. fucking science is disgusting sometimes..)

the adults are little leaf hoppers. sneaky hard to catch beetles with a big jump and green or brown shells. pepper juice pyretherins sevin or carbaryl will snuff them, but because they travel so widely, i gotta recommend the pepper spray.

also you all should read more Lovecraft. those jokes were gold, solid gold


Active Member
what ya go there is the nymph stage of the Common Spittlebug.

the stuff that looks like spit is actually ummm... well... for lack of a better term, Santorum.

a frothy mix of anal secretions with bubbles blown into it by farts (no joke they really are that nasty. fucking science is disgusting sometimes..)

the adults are little leaf hoppers. sneaky hard to catch beetles with a big jump and green or brown shells. pepper juice pyretherins sevin or carbaryl will snuff them, but because they travel so widely, i gotta recommend the pepper spray.

also you all should read more Lovecraft. those jokes were gold, solid gold

ok thank, any thoughts on gender?