What Is It Like To Smoke Vaporized Weed?


Well-Known Member
the brownies definitely taste 100 times better but honestly if you own a hand grinder or electric grinder you can grind it up to a fine enough consistency that is eatable. its just really really shit weed so i just don't waste my time. but they are stupid potent, like eat a 1/4 of a 2" by 2" piece and see how you feel, I ate like a 1/4 of a tray because it didn't feel like it kicked in, well it kicked in hardcore and i felt super stoned, definitely not high and i fell asleep pretty fast.

*if you do end up using butter don't use margarine as it has no fat!
ah that sounds epic-great for spikes in pain *seems late night* but how long does brownies stay good for, a week or so?


Active Member
weed contains plant matter + THC. When simmering the weed in the oil it EXTRACTS the thc left in the plant matter. it has more of an effect if you completly extract the thc, rather then put it all together and NOT have ALL the available thc come into a fat soluable product=less effects...oil infusion is a more pure product and concentrated
well in the process of making those brownies, the recipe call for using olive oil.


Active Member
ah that sounds epic-great for spikes in pain *seems late night* but how long does brownies stay good for, a week or so?
you can freeze what you don't think you can consume in a week, just thaw it out, warm it up. again its not the greatest taste but they do the job.


Active Member
I take my abv and simmered it in coconut oil over very low heat for at least 30 min, strain & use in recipes calling for oil.
It doesn't have to be too technical and difficult, in other words use as much abv as u want to as much oil or butter u want.
I made brownies last week and cupcakes this week. Both were kick-ass !!! My bf has a low tolerance and he ate 2 cupcakes and was superhigh for over 8 hours!!! So be careful who you give these strong medical edibles too. I have a very high tolerance so 2-3 usually will do the trick and remember that it takes at least an hour for it to hit you, so don't think it didn't work and eat more until you know how it will effect you.