What Is It That You Love?


Well-Known Member
You all will laugh at me, but I love this video because every time I see it I love everything a little bit more.

Mrs. Worm

Active Member
I love my gorgeous daughter and can't wait to pick her up from her dad's at 3. She makes my life worth living, even when everything else seems hopeless.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
totally eh!!!

white bread a thin spread of tomato sauce and if in a bad way double egg!!!!

you know youve been blessed by the big man upstairs when you get a double yolker! man i love double yolkers.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
simple pleasures lacey, you cant beat them imo.

maybe its just me but i love opening new stuff, like pressurised stuff. you know tubes of new tennis balls or the first spoon through the foil on a coffee jar. maybe im just weird tho


Well-Known Member
No I love breaking the seal on stuff too.... Like using the margarine for the first time, disturbing perfection....:-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah thats totally what i was looking for breaking perfection! totally like that first step out of your door when youve had loads of snow, even better if your the first out in your street.