What is meant by flushing?


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to ask stupid questions but what is flushing exactly. I am in 100 gallon smart pots. When I go to just water how much do i give every day. do you keep them soaked, or dry them out for more resin production. just a little confused.


Active Member
flushing means removing the build up of salts/nutrienst in the soil people normally flush for 7-10 days before harvest or to correct nute lockout


Well-Known Member
I am confused, I am in 100 gallon smart pots. so I give them 200 gallons of water in a week, a day , a couple days? and then let them dry out


just like propabition why should they create jobs and income when they can arrest us citizens and drive it back underground so children can get thier hands on it.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
what???...never use that amount of water to feed. yes for an emergency flush if there is a lock out but not to use as a reg watering. and why 100 gal pots..holly crap. you veg them for 2 years or something....lol

there is a final flush meaning run plain water for a week or so to run foods out.....reg water. then the emergency flush of 3 to 1. and i think is over rated as i never need that much. use it till the ph and ec are back top what we need is all they need. not always 3 to 1 depending in how bad they was.


Well-Known Member
Thats good, thanks. No, they went in the pots on Jun 21, went into flower around the 10th of Aug. they got huge in 2 months. here is a pic of my Sour D. it still has a month to go.

View attachment 1179027
GOOD LORD!!! what in the heck do you feed that thing.. WOW!! she is a beauty..

"Final Flush" what your talking about is giving your plants plain water for the last few day up to several weeks depending on size.. the purpose is to eliminate all remaining nutes.. making the plant taste and smell better.. that monster might need a good long flush..


Active Member
I can picture you stirring oil drums full of nutes lmao, your supply room must look like a meth lab

usually the rule of thumb is 1:3 soil:water ratio for a flush...but thats alotta water in your case


Well-Known Member
damn dude, your goin hard on that grow, i notice there are ALOT more plants in the background