What is my neighbor growing?


Well-Known Member
I was just over at my parents house and the guy a couple doors down is doing something in a room behind his detatched garage. It smells almost like manure when you walk by his driveway and the garage is a good 100' away. It could be a chemical smell too but I have to wait til darkness for further investigation.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Who cares? I wouldnt like somebody snooping around my backyard looking at what im growing so i certaintly wouldnt do so to somebody else.


Well-Known Member
meth lab, better keep the shotty ready. kick down the door and pistol whip the first person you see. heed my advice and you will be scraight.


I was just over at my parents house and the guy a couple doors down is doing something in a room behind his detatched garage. It smells almost like manure when you walk by his driveway and the garage is a good 100' away. It could be a chemical smell too but I have to wait til darkness for further investigation.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

sure its a manure smell and not an ammonia smell?? could be cookin meth... wouldnt want to be snoopin if so... could be doing alot of things in there... a bulk shroom grow (using manure), killing people, deviant sexual acts, etc... point being, dont go snoopin around his shit; you want to know what he's doin, go talk to him.. dont go being magnum P.I. on his ass...

i have problems around here with nosey neighbors... not cool man:evil:


Well-Known Member
we'll never see another post from this guy again and then we will know what happened. lol


Well-Known Member
sure its a manure smell and not an ammonia smell?? could be cookin meth... wouldnt want to be snoopin if so... could be doing alot of things in there... a bulk shroom grow (using manure), killing people, deviant sexual acts, etc... point being, dont go snoopin around his shit; you want to know what he's doin, go talk to him.. dont go being magnum P.I. on his ass...

i have problems around here with nosey neighbors... not cool man:evil:
Yeah, these are close to million dollar homes and the guy doesn't work but the wife does. I'm going to scope it out then have a word with him... probably mostly will have to do with odor control and that's it.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Be cool. Ask him if he needs any help with his gro-op. Maybe he'll give you some freebies. Could be weed, could be tomatoes. Just don't bend down to pick up the soap if you drop it.