What is one thing that is always in your fridge?


Well-Known Member
@ 1:00 - words to live by


Well-Known Member
What's ALWAYS in my fridge? Spore syringes and cloning gel. :P

The "staples" of my fridge are also the things I run out of repeatedly so they're not "always" there, but: farm fresh or at least free range eggs, american cheese, lettuce, carrots...

Are we counting condiments? I'm pretty sure there are condiments on my door that I've never even used that have been there as long as I've been here...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What's ALWAYS in my fridge? Spore syringes and cloning gel. :P

The "staples" of my fridge are also the things I run out of repeatedly so they're not "always" there, but: farm fresh or at least free range eggs, american cheese, lettuce, carrots...

Are we counting condiments? I'm pretty sure there are condiments on my door that I've never even used that have been there as long as I've been here...
I negotiated with the seller and got them to leave the fridge and the condiments.


Well-Known Member
I negotiated with the seller and got them to leave the fridge and the condiments.
Oh shit, condiments that HAVE been there longer than you. You win!

When I saw your name next to the new post indicator for this thread I totally thought it was gonna say "body parts in plastic bags"


Well-Known Member
a bottle of white wine and a small selection of cheeses. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and celery. you open my fridge at any given time, you will find at least those items.