What is Racism?


Well-Known Member
It's just a version of tribalism in order to distinguish themselves from others. Like names?

I've never heard of it (MOBO) but could it be in response to queen B not getting her due? Or is it older than that?

Shaping the negative inaccurate outlook is our fault because of lack of inclusiveness in which other cultures must resort.

Plus it's a Brit thing, why should we care?
Oh it well pre dates that, mid 90s in origin perhaps?
The conversation I alluded to was back in 99.

Caring is optional....but race relations is obviously a massive concern to some as they reference it ever couple of posts.

Surely they don't only give a shit about American race relations?

That'd be more than ironic


Well-Known Member
It would be hard to listen to such a person objectively because I'd be sitting there thinking s/he got exactly what they deserved.
If I'm honest...i feel the same.

Not sure if that's the right way to feel though ?

Edit: If the person ever acted on his/her prejudice then, yeah, i guess all is fair.

I was about to say that someone shouldn't be harmed for opinions that they should be entitled to...but I'd love to land one on trump

Saying that, he's started killing people so that's ok
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Well-Known Member

Not their best tune but couldn't resist due to the title of the track.

Like to keep things relevant


Well-Known Member
So I called you out, i asked you to back up your accusations.

I gave you the definition and not one of you has replied.

Now, re read that definition....remove race from the definition and enter multiple alternatives

Let's say,
the job someone does (gas station?)
alternative political views
differing opinions

You are EXACTLY the same as the people you rage against.

You are a disgrace to the left.

You are what it is you hate in others.

Weak trolls with sycophantic sidekicks, calling for assistance to spread abuse.

I pity you
Talking to yourself because nobody thinks your question was worth a discussion. Laughing at you.


Well-Known Member
Talking to yourself because nobody thinks your question was worth a discussion. Laughing at you.
Like so many here, you make assumptions about things you know nothing about.

Assumptions make people look like fools, often.

You falsely assume that you know my motive.


Well-Known Member
You assume I am assuming? Laughing at you.
Now that's just plain ridiculous!

You don't know me.

You got my motive wrong.

You made a false assumption.

I've read some of your other posts, you're smarter than that last post suggests