What is that white stuff?


Active Member
As long as it's bird shit I'm fine. Means I have some avian soldiers eradicating the evil pests and keeping my girls healthy and flourishing. I wonder if it's any good for the plants, like nutrient wise. It's not big gobs and it's not a lot. Hmmm. Something to ponder as I hit this vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
As long as it's bird shit I'm fine. Means I have some avian soldiers eradicating the evil pests and keeping my girls healthy and flourishing. I wonder if it's any good for the plants, like nutrient wise. It's not big gobs and it's not a lot. Hmmm. Something to ponder as I hit this vaporizer.
That's probably all it is. I've seen similar shit (pun originally not intended, but pun fully endorsed) on my plants this summer.

In regards to predators though, today when I was trimming the dead leaves off my gals I noticed several predator insects that I gladly allowed to stay. I probably let like four or five spiders stay on there, and I hate those fucking little things. They're gonna get me when i'm trimming, and I'm horrified of that.


Well-Known Member
It's been determined that birds are the only specie that can masturbate in flight, sheesh! and we all thought that was birdshit!


Active Member
Ok, ok! Y'all caught me white-handed. I been pulling the pud around the green ladies. I couldn't help it. They smell so intoxicating. Plus, I heard semen contains some sort of nutrient, so I wanted to see if I could get bigger buds............Nah, but that was funny though, wasn't it? I bet some of y'all were like, "he did what????" I don't beat the meat around the ladies. That wouldn't be any bueno at all. I've already settled on the notion that it was an "Avian-American" bird who is guarding my plants against the vermin who dare attack. I think he's expecting me to break bread with him when I harvest. That's laughable. Just cause you fight off bugs don't mean I owe you anything. That's what you were born to do. I don't get paid to exist. Goddamn birds. Always thinking they can get one over on someone......Oh, wait. Y'all are still here. Oops. Incessant ramblings of a stoned idiot with ADD. LMAO!