What is the absolute bare minimum to keep a plant alive?


Active Member
Now that my grow is under way (sig) I have a reliable source for clones. I want to take a clone and root it and veg it a little in my cabinet into a bonsai tree shaped plant. trim it and prune it essentially just to make it look somewhat like a tree.

Then i want to transplant this to a small square bonsai-like pot and have a little bonsai weed tree. Inevitably the plant will flower in a room that doesnt give 18 hours light (ie. my bedroom), but this is good it will enhance the coolness of the plant.

My question is: what is the minimum amount of light a plant can survive under. Can i take a strand of christmas lights and string up a little fixture? Would that be enough or would the plant die. I'm not a fan of keeping the windows open plus a huge bush blocks all light from my room. I have the worst lit room in the house. Could the 4 100 watt incandescents mounted roughly 6 feet from the plant be enough. I doubt it. But what is enough light to just barly sustain life.


Well-Known Member
I've started under 60 watts and flowered with 200w
I think the best light for you would be a 24" T5 HO with 4 bulbs. Find it on ebay, Its about 100 watts.


Active Member
sounds like something painful to do to such a wonderful plant...but probably just one 23W cfl halo'd lovingly over it would sustains its life..if thats what u call a life <_<


Active Member
im just thinking of doing it as a sort of decoration.... clones come easy when you have 4 mother plants and a cloner.... i dont see it as a waste or anything like that... im thinking of just maybe rigging up a soda can reflector with a small cfl and calling it a day... i dont want any t5's or 3 cfls or anything because then it wouldnt be a decoration it would just be a mini grow.... which is essentially what it is anyway i guess but i dont want lights detracting from the fact that im trying to imitate a bonsai tree here..