What is the absolute minimum amount of light


Active Member
What is the absolute minimum amount of light needed to keep a plant alive and in a vegetative state. I know the more light the better but for arguments sake and electricity bills what is it?


Well-Known Member
What is the absolute minimum amount of light needed to keep a plant alive and in a vegetative state. I know the more light the better but for arguments sake and electricity bills what is it?
If your on such a low budget and you just want to keep it in veg and of course depending on how big the plant is,just use 11 watt cfls.
I would say that an 11 watt cfl is sufficient per sq foot of plant material to keep it alivebongsmilie

mr. pot

Active Member
well ive grown a few pot plants i currently have 15 growing and in my experience i find that they need a minimum of 5 to six ours otherwise the bud most likely wont grow or the THC will be very poor


Active Member
What is the absolute minimum amount of light needed to keep a plant alive and in a vegetative state. I know the more light the better but for arguments sake and electricity bills what is it?
I seek the answer to that very question also.


Well-Known Member
Minimum light minimum buds. I have read you want at least 35 watts per sq ft of growing area
Hey everyone not just the quoted above,hes not looking for buds,he just wants to keep it alive in veg.
I already answered his question:lol::dunce::dunce:


Active Member
I have about 300 watts of cfls going to sustain my grow and they are working well, currently flowering.
My electric company is expensive too. Ontario

Anyway, that only costs me 20 BUCKS a month. If you used 1 26w daylight cfl in a dome (i will post the pic) then you are talking 2 bucks a month TOPS.

Light: 5.00 26w DAYLIGHT (for vege)
Dome: 7.00 7-12 inches
Electric: 2.00 (thats expensive talking)

Keep in mind you can only vegetate for as long as how much light you have. Therefore this light and dome will only get you to about 6 inches high or so before you MUST flower. Even that will yield kinda junky buds. So this one light is only going to last you 2 weeks from seed before it becomes useless without some more bulbs.



Well-Known Member
It all depends on if you're vegging a mother/clones or you're talking about growing from start to finish...