What is the best autoflowering strain in Canada?

I haven't had any issues ordering from True North Seed Bank. They cover most of the top breeders in auto's. They are kind of pricey though. Mephisto genetics Canada site will be opening I think in the next couple weeks and is always top shelf genetics.
I have CropKingSeeds in mind. Are you familiar on them? They have the best seeds and offer affordable seeds as well. Any suggestions of their best strains?
ohhh noooo ! Please tell me you're not serious. Crap king seeds has to be the worst canadian option out there. Do you have some sort of vested interest in them ? They are generic rebranded seeds that they claim as there own. Half of the time their autoflowers turn out to be photo period. They used to have a public forum but they had to remove because of all the negative feed back and problems.
Hi there, Don't order from crop king. I'm a fellow canadian and I mostly grow mephisto and night owl. Mephisto will be opening their new canadian site soon and night owl will be doing a drop on seedbazaar next week both ship to canada. I've ordered off both and had no issues. Wait for those. Trust me.

Also dutch passion ships to canada direct from their website. Or you could order from one of the many spanish, british or dutch seedbanks that ship to Canada (Seedsman, Herbies, the vault, alchemia etc...)
Crop King hasn't done me wrong. I'll recommend Lambs Breathe or Jack Herer if you decide on CKS.

First grow, indoors, Auto's. Lambs Breathe left, Jack Herer right. Those are the only 2 I've grown so far from them. I'll be doing a couple of more strains this year with their seeds.
