What is the best temp / humidity for sprouts just put under rockwool?


Active Member
I have just sprouted 2 of the widow seeds from femenised seeds. This is the 3rd set of 2 I have sprouted. 1 of the sprouts was just over 1" long and the other was around .5" long. I popped them in a pre-soaked rockwool plug with PH'd water.

I have them under 3 mini fluorescents(2' long, 1 x 20w, 2 x 16w), 52watts in total. As I already have killed 40 bucks worth of seeds so far I am pretty keen to get it right this time.

I have a cover over them(clearish plastic) , Im worried that they might be too warm. I have now put a thermometer/hydrometer under there with them. and a normal old thermo, one with red liquid in, reliable i think.

2 secs will take a pic.


temp is 88 F and 19 humidiy

this is against the outside wall of my grow, its a cavity wall, sheet rock , well built, 4'x3'x8' closet. so its warm down there. Should I leave the cover / dome on for humidity or take it off?

thanks in advance, Im sure I will get this seedling thing down yet!!!

btw:I have grown for years but always from clones(stopped for 5 years),


not tellin for any bragging reasons, Im usually a cards close to the chest kind of person, just so that you know I have some understanding of the growing process, just not the germination and get ready for HPS process.. The old addage of give a man a fish, eat for a day, teach him how to fish etc etc....is so true in me. A wise man once gave me equipment and knowledge of one way to do a thing. I never changed it in 10 years. When I came on this and other forums, I cant believe in the amount of new methods and theories/practices.

I used to drill holes all round the side of the NFT and tie the plant heads right over in half to these holes to promote shoot growth. then let the strings go before flowering and watch the ladies stand up straight again all bushy. Now , last night I read about supercropping, cant wait to give this a try, on a couple of heads only to learn.. shit Im rambling on blazed.

thanks for listening, and in advance for any more help / info / data/ stories you add to this thread, look forward to hearing from you about your growing adventures,, all the way up in the highlands... FREEDOM.(well nearly).cough cough, not done that since my thirties..

Auld-Eye ;0)


Well-Known Member
Ask the guy in your Avatar.......Humidity needs to be alot higher 60 to 90 percent.And these are seeds RT.And how in the hell did you kill 40bucks worth of Seeds? And you dont need a dome for seeds.


Well-Known Member
88 is kinda hot, but should be ok. Make sure to have a small fan going at least.

If you were cloning 19 rH is too low, but inthis case should be OK too. I've germinated and sprouted and went on to veg many seeds with my rH meter showing 0 lol. Meaning it was 0-20.

Make sure the CFLs are close enough, you dont want to stretch them. Don't overwater the RW, personally i like RRooters way better, but with the RW just wait till it dry, then soak the bottom in like 1/4 inch water and let the RW absorb. It should not be dripping wet. Thats all the water it need, and only do it when dry.

Good luck with these seeds..


Active Member
Ask the guy in your Avatar.......Humidity needs to be alot higher 60 to 90 percent.And these are seeds RT.And how in the hell did you kill 40bucks worth of Seeds? And you dont need a dome for seeds.
Im the guy in the avatar , I have never sprouted from seed b4, so i killed the first four, 2 with nute burn and 2 over water.. hey Im learning.


Active Member
88 is kinda hot, but should be ok. Make sure to have a small fan going at least.

If you were cloning 19 rH is too low, but inthis case should be OK too. I've germinated and sprouted and went on to veg many seeds with my rH meter showing 0 lol. Meaning it was 0-20.

Make sure the CFLs are close enough, you dont want to stretch them. Don't overwater the RW, personally i like RRooters way better, but with the RW just wait till it dry, then soak the bottom in like 1/4 inch water and let the RW absorb. It should not be dripping wet. Thats all the water it need, and only do it when dry.

Good luck with these seeds..
thanks for your help, I have tried to keep the water down to a minimum this time , so fingers crossed. And also for ok'ing my temp....I'm pretty sure I can see the larger one trying to poke the case through just after 12 hours( I have a mini scope). probs not though, i'm very optimistic.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you are talking seeds, not lcones. Seeds can be grown out in damned near any environment. I gave up checking temp after about 2 weeks and never once have i checked humidity, seeds in a pot of soil ALWAYS did just perfecy. Clones are a different matter. Seeds grow all over the world under many many different conditions, and have done for millennia, they'll do just fine :)

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
you are talking seeds, not lcones. Seeds can be grown out in damned near any environment. I gave up checking temp after about 2 weeks and never once have i checked humidity, seeds in a pot of soil ALWAYS did just perfecy. Clones are a different matter. Seeds grow all over the world under many many different conditions, and have done for millennia, they'll do just fine :)
For the most part this is true, But, and there always is one, if you want to optimize an indoor grow, do so. Night temps not below 67 and above 82. 78 is good. Humidity...maybe 50-60% or you can wing it....and do not overwater or nute too soon. Research a bit more.
Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Something dont add up here you can grow clones but not a seed plant?Get some FFOF and you cant overwater it,Within a little reason just too much airiation in the soil.Gl pm me if ya cant get this down il help ya...


Active Member
Something dont add up here you can grow clones but not a seed plant?Get some FFOF and you cant overwater it,Within a little reason just too much airiation in the soil.Gl pm me if ya cant get this down il help ya...
cheers folks, yeah, I grew clones for years, made my own. then stopped for 5 years and now dont have access to new clones. hence me trying to learn how to get seeds up and going. I can get them to sprout and germinate, I even made one into the NFT under HPS, but nute burned it. I have probs getting them stong enough for the HPS..


Active Member
Hey :)

A quick update lads, holding back on feeding and water has done the trick so far. The larger of the sprouts has shown up, and the split seed casing on the other has also popped her head up. This is only after, a couple of hours in a shot glass, 12 - 14 hours in paper towel and over night under 52w of CFL. pics below


these should let you see, where they are situated under the lights, the two cubes, and close ups of both the sprouts , one showing the split casing and other small growth/1st leaves.

cant thank you all enough, please keep in touch in here, I would be gratfull for any help I might need getting these ready for the NFT..


Active Member
hey again

I just went in to take some more pics.. unbelievably fast.. thanx..

TW_LargelOneDay1.jpg TW_SmallOneDay1.jpg

The small one has yet to pop her seed case. So I have set up some time lapse software, Iv set it to grab a pic every 15 seconds. Should i set to something lower ? Im open to suggestions..Do you think it will pop like a spring, or will it go in slow motion?? ideas ? bets ??

I have always meant to do something like this, I have done the light day to dark day, and rolling clouds ........


Active Member
update, I have not been watering the cube, just misting the dome. I looked @ the larger of the seedlings, it had curled both its leaves under. I felt the rockwool, bone dry, :0/ not again !!

I let each of the cubes soak up from the bottom, from a puddle of PH water in a saucer, then shook off the excess. I also misted some water over the little fems.

I have the dome off at the minute, should I put it on or off...?

thanks in advance for any input


Active Member
Relax!! Just leave em be they'll be fine! I just soak em in ph water for 24 hours. Then both sinkers and floaters I wrap in wet paper towel, wait for em to open and then drop them in some dirt. Let mother nature worry about the rest!!


Active Member
hey thanks :)

I quickly knocked up two small wick systems, from a couple of small ice cream tubs with lids. And used a couple of smll kids clear yoghurt pots as domes, with a small hole drilled in the tops(trying to think ahead).

The one with the seed casing attached, STILL has the seed casing attached.. should I remove this? the other is standing proud in her 1" rockwool shooter. PHew ;)


New Member
Ask the guy in your Avatar.......Humidity needs to be alot higher 60 to 90 percent.And these are seeds RT.And how in the hell did you kill 40bucks worth of Seeds? And you dont need a dome for seeds.
It's about 40 to 60 for 3 seeds online. Probably how. And yes you should have a dome. A lot easier controlling the smaller environment and the humidity levels you mentioned. Mine are in rockwool cubes in a small humidity dome and I have my thermostat inserted thru one of the top holes of the dome. You want complete darkness and Distilled/RO water. Spray 1 light spray underneath the lid of dome. You are creating high humidity, VPD, and tempeture. Temp should be 75 to 85 and the humidity should be between 75% to 90%. Make sure to crack the lid so fresh air can get in. Only crafk it enough to where u get your humidity level right. Once sprouted you can use light.