What is the cause of this leaf curling?

He certainly does..Have a tardis with darlics tatt on my lower leg...kinda geekie..

Yer i wouldnt go that far but long term fan and my favourite superhero, timetravelling, screwdriver weilding person. New doctor soon although they make so few episodes recently :-(
Is that the Doctors tardis in your avatar, he freaking rocks!
He certainly does..Have a tardis with darlics tatt on my lower leg...kinda geekie..

Did somebody call? Transmat maybe?

I agree on there being too few episodes per season now!
That's the choice of the writer producer since Matt Smith became the Dr. They changed at that job also - at that time. You could see the change in the story "style" then too.

I rather miss David Tennent and that writer. Yet we still have a "daughter" of the Dr from then, still out there to be utilized.
Capaldi has the manor of Jon Pertwee's Dr. I like that a bit. This is his last season.
Jon Pertwee's son is Alfred on Gotham, if you didn't know. He and his father trained in college as traditional theatrical actors.

My love for the Dr, started in the later 70's when it hit PBS stations and they began from the beginning. Here are the 7 we saw On PBS and the 8th was a BBC movie meant to bring back the series from 89's cancellation. It didn't work out so well and he did radio episodes for awhile, till the "mini episode" available on line for the 50th anniversary.
  • William Hartnell. Actor, Doctor Who. ...Interesting and kinda odd, but it was a start. He became dedicated to the role and really identified with the show.
  • Patrick Troughton. Actor, Doctor Who. ...I liked this Dr. he was more daring and brash. The cybermen were unveiled in his term.
  • Jon Pertwee. Actor, Doctor Who. ... This was the age of Sara Jane and the Brigadier. The Dr. had cars, hovercraft and cool toys in Pertwee's years. Good story lines and an excellent step into Baker.
  • Tom Baker. Actor, Doctor Who. ...He became the most popular and longest lasting Dr ever. This lasted till David Tenant ended his reign and, became the most beloved Dr. The first 6-8 episodes of Bakers Dr are some of the best ever done in many folks eye's. I must admit the "GENESIS OF THE DALEK'S" is one of, if not my fav. episode ever. Tom Baker was married to the actress who played Romana.
  • Peter Davison. Actor, Doctor Who. ...Kind of couldn't make up his mind on things. He seemed vulnerable. His time was where the silliness of Baker disappeared and many of the old enemies returned, including the Master. He travels with Adric, who later became the genetic material to form all life in the "BIG BANG" that created the universe. Some of my favorite companions were with Davidson's Dr.
  • Colin Baker. Actor, Doctor Who. ...Brash and overbearing, miss matched loud clothes....Attitude was this Dr. Not a popular version
  • Sylvester McCoy. Actor, Doctor Who. ...This was back to a more likable and understanding Dr. almost "bumbling" I liked these episode's a lot. I like his companion, "Ace" after Bonnie left the series. Like how don't you like a girl that is an explosives expert, who carries powerful home made bombs in a backpack?
  • Paul McGann. Actor, Doctor Who. The TV movie by BBC was good but, in 2013. For the 50th anniversary of Dr Who. BBC made a "mini" episode "The Night Of The Doctor" that covers the regeneration to the next Dr. This takes place during the "time war" and it is an "induced" regeneration into the "war Dr." played by Jon Hurt. This is best searched and read about as it's a long story for me to type.
The new BBC series that arose from the ash's is great. I would like to see some more of Capt Jack/ The face of Bo. I liked Torchwood but, whatever on that loss. Moffat is not my favorite writer and controller of the show. His idea of low episode counts to "Keep 'em wanting more" is a big piss off. The animated version of the lost Thourton episode was nice! Moffat does say things like the Mini episode and the animated lost episode will be coming more.

So yeah, Doctor rules in Sci Fi....
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Id like to see more of the capt Jack as well.

I first started watching in on the ABC (Australian) in the early 80s.
I have every episode on hard drive from the very first episode up until Capaldies first season.
Id like to see more of the capt Jack as well.

I first started watching in on the ABC (Australian) in the early 80s.
I have every episode on hard drive from the very first episode up until Capaldies first season.

I really liked River Song and the best to start her off right, was the "Lets Kill Hitler" episode...I liked Matt Smith just fine and Moffat brought in some great new "monsters" with the likes of the "Weeping Angels". Moffats writing can get rather "thick" sometimes. Good news is he's leaving with Capaldi....So, we'll have a new writer too. They have on tap a whole 12 episode season, or about half of a US normal season.
I'm going to miss Capaldi a bit. It was nice to have an older Doctor again.....Keeping eye's/ear's peeled for the new Doctors actor...They're keeping rather mum well this time...At this point.
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Ive yet to find any of my friends who like it but yer its big here, they need a doctor who joint toking forum on this site @mods :-)
Not having a large superhuman, weapon wielding hero as the star goes against the grain these days. Its hard for them to contemplate a hero like the DR i think...and really..a phone box as transport? Even Marty Mcfly had a Delorian...lol. They just dont get "it".

Stoned afterthought : And yes im well aware the Tardis could in fact become a Delorian- if it was fixed. (although it did become a great roadside gas station/ diner not to long ago...)
Not having a large superhuman, weapon wielding hero as the star goes against the grain these days. Its hard for them to contemplate a hero like the DR i think...and really..a phone box as transport? Even Marty Mcfly had a Delorian...lol. They just dont get "it".

Stoned afterthought : And yes im well aware the Tardis could in fact become a Delorian- if it was fixed. (although it did become a great roadside gas station/ diner not to long ago...)

OH, you would be surprised at how the teenage "nerdy" kids LOVE the Doctor here! It's a massive generational hit! My son's were in the FRC robot building and competitions Hopkins MI team 2054. The kids at all levels sported Dr. Who things. I have a Brit SAS smock/trouser BDU's in DPMS, completely made out with U.N.I.T. patch's and such (Black beret with UNIT patch too). I was constantly stopped and had pic's taken with kids. I have a winter cap that looks like the top of a Dalek that was popular. At the Worlds in St. Louis 2 years ago I had to pose with the 2 AU teams with that on! The Japanese, Israeli, French, German, and the GB teams also. One of the Brit teams had full size Tardis replica. Complete with working light and the phone behind the flip down sign on the left door...Smaller inside though - :cry:.

So yeah, There is a good portion of the young folks "getting involved" in the Doctor here and from what I saw at the FRC competitions..Around the world! Kind of a "wibbly, wobbly, timey, whimey, thing!" :wink: