What is the census on this "incense" craze?


RIU Bulldog
What is this stuff? Spice. Hayze. Their obviously trying to market it as some kind of weed substitute. I think its crazy, from what i know its possible that there are all kinds of chemicals that could be in it that do more damage than marijuana. But I know people that swear it gets them stoned. Am i missing something?
I tried salvia divinorum and wasn't impressed. Are they the same thing? What about the supposed "legal buds" advertised in high times. Is that what those incense are?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They've been round for years and years in various forms. As far as i can work out, it's just an assortment of shit with some JWH-018? sprayed on it. It (some i should say) do give you a bit of a tweak, but it's accompanied by a nasty taste and a headache. As you say, most likely contain stuff you don't really want to be burning and puffing on.


RIU Bulldog
They've been round for years and years in various forms. As far as i can work out, it's just an assortment of shit with some JWH-018? sprayed on it. It (some i should say) do give you a bit of a tweak, but it's accompanied by a nasty taste and a headache. As you say, most likely contain stuff you don't really want to be burning and puffing on.
The only way id smoke that crap was if I was in drug court (being randomly drug tested), and even then Id probably just do mushrooms


Active Member
Never tried it, never will. I don't know what it's made of or what's in it, so I ain't smoking it. Nuhh uh.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I tried it the once, because i figured i might as well see what it's all about, and yeah, it's crap, tastes like shit, (although smells of marshmallow :D).

If you're really really desperate, well then, i don't see the point because stuff like spice is pretty much as expensive as weed :D
My boyfriend's friend brought it over to our house making it seem like the best thing in the world. He was saying he loved it and it's was worth the money to do it legal and it gave you the same high. My boyfriend tried it and told me I am lucky I did not try it.

IMO It's more expensive then weed and totally not worth it. It made the house smell like burning donkey dicks and I think it gave me a headache.
I have been buying " spice" for the past month because i was put on court ordered probation for posssion of MJ, Spice is the same price as dank weed most places, I have found a store that sells it twice as cheap though, ive been going there ever since. Some spice has given me headaches but so does midgrade weed?lol Im sure that bad side effects with prolonged use of spice, from my own personal experience between me and my other friend that is on probation we have had increased agitation when sober and minor headache from the spice. Spice gets me 5 times higher than any midgrade bud and the same if not better high of medical grade weed. I cansay this tho, i cant wait to go back to MJ :)):)


RIU Bulldog
I have been buying " spice" for the past month because i was put on court ordered probation for posssion of MJ, Spice is the same price as dank weed most places, I have found a store that sells it twice as cheap though, ive been going there ever since. Some spice has given me headaches but so does midgrade weed?lol Im sure that bad side effects with prolonged use of spice, from my own personal experience between me and my other friend that is on probation we have had increased agitation when sober and minor headache from the spice. Spice gets me 5 times higher than any midgrade bud and the same if not better high of medical grade weed. I cansay this tho, i cant wait to go back to MJ :)):)
Id rather quit.

but i can say that now cause i can smoke weed..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Some of the blends are pretty damn good, you just have to sort through the mass-produced bullshit to find a good brand.


Active Member
I heard from my friend is was pretty good but just didnt last long but was pretty good idk i mite try it.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I tried salvia divinorum and wasn't impressed. Are they the same thing? What about the supposed "legal buds" advertised in high times. Is that what those incense are?
'Man if you tried salvia and wernt impressed you need to go try it again, its not supposed to get you high like weed, its a very intense psychedelic, salvia has taken me out of this world man.. Really go get some 50x or 60x extract and rip the bowl as hard as you can, hold it in as long as you can, really try to hold it in for at the very minimum 30 seconds, if anything it will probably be the most fucked up you have ever been...

Spice is def not like the legal buds in high times, its a mix of herbs and RC's.. I am no doctor but honestly i dont think its very good for you but i couldnt tell you for sure so dont take my word for it..

I can vouch for the fact that damn it gets you hella blazed up when you smoke it, almost identical to herb in my opinion.


RIU Bulldog
'Man if you tried salvia and wernt impressed you need to go try it again, its not supposed to get you high like weed, its a very intense psychedelic, salvia has taken me out of this world man.. Really go get some 50x or 60x extract and rip the bowl as hard as you can, hold it in as long as you can, really try to hold it in for at the very minimum 30 seconds, if anything it will probably be the most fucked up you have ever been...

Spice is def not like the legal buds in high times, its a mix of herbs and RC's.. I am no doctor but honestly i dont think its very good for you but i couldnt tell you for sure so dont take my word for it..

I can vouch for the fact that damn it gets you hella blazed up when you smoke it, almost identical to herb in my opinion.
You might be right. I haven't tried since high school, 1998. And the guys i smokes it with were kinda greedy.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Really go get some 50x or 60x extract and rip the bowl as hard as you can, hold it in as long as you can, really try to hold it in for at the very minimum 30 seconds
No need for anything above 20x, it really doesn't do much passed that point.. salvia is reverse-tolerant.

I am no doctor but honestly i dont think its very good for you but i couldnt tell you for sure so dont take my word for it..
With reference to substances along the lines of JWH-018, they are pretty safe.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
No need for anything above 20x, it really doesn't do much passed that point.. salvia is reverse-tolerant.
i was actually talking about that on a thread the other day how i felt like it had an opposite effect then most drugs, rather then becoming tolerant you become less tolerant.. Didnt know that was for everyone though, i though my brain had some adverse effects haha..

I was just reffering to 40x or 50x for his first time because thats what i smoked my first time and it took me to different realms of existance.. But then again so has 20x and 30x.. Im sure 10x probably would to..

With reference to substances along the lines of JWH-018, they are pretty safe.
Word thats good to hear.. Their is the bum that lives in my area and he's always chilling at the 711, the guy that owns the 711 is pretty cool always talking to me about bud and showing me his dank and what not... Anyways i guess he smoked that bum up with some spice and the guy had a fuckin seizure, they had to call the ambulance and everything.. I thought the guy at the 711 was making shit up but the next time i saw the bum i asked him about it and he vouched for it.. Im not sure of the exact brand of spice though and from what i understand their is more then just the jwh line.. Is that correct?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Im not sure of the exact brand of spice though and from what i understand their is more then just the jwh line.. Is that correct?
Yeah, there has been an array of cannabinoid product in various spice products (AM-series, CP-series, HU-series, JWH-series). I would imagine if he had a seizure that he either has a medical problem where he should not be ingesting these types of substances (maybe some sort of nerve disease), was allergic to one of the herbs in the blend (and yes this does happen), or ingested another substance beforehand (and alcohol could be the one at hand).


Active Member
Some of the blends are pretty damn good, you just have to sort through the mass-produced bullshit to find a good brand.
Care to elaborate on the blends that are good?

I tried K2 Summit, and it was very unpredictable. One minute, the high was very good. The next, it was a strange trip where my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Care to elaborate on the blends that are good?
There is an up-and-coming blend that is going to rock the market (I have gotten a chance to hear some details about the production and am waiting on my sample order at current). I will make a smoke review when I get the chance.


Active Member
There is an up-and-coming blend that is going to rock the market (I have gotten a chance to hear some details about the production and am waiting on my sample order at current). I will make a smoke review when I get the chance.
What's the brand called if you don't mind me asking? Or has that not been decided? Over here in SoCal it seems we've got a lot of high priced crap blends. :P