What is the Deal with this Combo?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I've mixed Acid and Shrooms a handful of times. Mostly took the acid first as I would take a lot and it lasts longer but have eaten them both at the same time too. Mostly had done this at festies and was on Molly or X, chronic, and some liquor at the same time. The one time I ate them at the same time was at a friends house so there were no additional factors. (Being at a festival and the concerts can make me feel almost like I'm trippin slightly, just me) And it seemed as if the mushrooms were stronger but they were both there. I definitely did trip but the mental from the mushies was there and I was more visual than I normally am from an 1/8 of the same mushies. I grabbed an ounce at this time and took an 1/8 twice out of it, once by itself to gauge strength and the other was this time, then got rid of the rest. At the same time it could just be the fact that one was working and since I know how they both are my mind can trick me into feeling both of them....they are Psychedelics.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
pleas stop using this bogus marketing term. there is no such thing as a stadard dose of MDxx's in "E" pills so there cam be no "stack" system. the 'stack' sys is developed by dealers wishin gto make thier product more desirable. your 'triple stack' pills were just big pills is all.
Thank you sir.


Well-Known Member
pleas stop using this bogus marketing term. there is no such thing as a stadard dose of MDxx's in "E" pills so there cam be no "stack" system. the 'stack' sys is developed by dealers wishin gto make thier product more desirable. your 'triple stack' pills were just big pills is all.
Yes, thank you. I can't stand when somebody says however many stacks their tabs were. And I think its funny how when I tell people this they don't believe me. Sucks how uninformed most people are about things like this.


Well-Known Member
You know, all these combo's are good and well, and I certainly survived most of the ones mentioned here.
I think mushrooms and DMT make a good combo.
As for the other things like boomers I would suggest you do what people have been doing for thousands of years, combine it with syrian rue, the soma.