What is the easiest strain for a newb 2 grow


Well-Known Member
What is the easiest strain for a newb to grow? Thank you for your opinions in advance as they are more than appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well you don't get much easier than a lowrider, but its pants lol.

Northern lights is a pretty easy first go out with some decent genetics.:joint:


Well-Known Member
For a first grow you may want to consider using bag seed. If you do everything right, you'll end up with some good, maybe great end results. And if things go wrong, then you haven't lost any money on the bought seeds.

something to think about anyway.


Well-Known Member
instead why not get some low cost but decent genetics, maybe only spend as much as 40 bucks on some seeds.

I'd hate to grow from bag seed and do really well and then have the genetics let you down cus it wen't hermie or it wasn't great weed.

My belief is that anyone can grow decent grade weed first time around, just make sure you prepare, read as much as you can and asks as many questions as you can, before you start and while your growing. Theres loads of good guys here that can help you and growing really isn't that difficult its just getting your confidence.


Well-Known Member
Actually, The bag seed I'm growing right now is 14 weeks into flower and looks like 100% haze( the buds are just now filling out and feel like a cross between steel wool and pinecones) I was hoping for an educated guess on my indoor winter grow. Wish me luck on my drying and curing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah NL is a fairly easy strain to grow.

Any pics of the bagseed? 14 weeks flowering is a bit long wouldnt ya say? how much longer you going to flower for?


Well-Known Member
Growing from bag seed should be at least as good, probably much better, as the weed in the bag. You might have a higher rate of males or hermies - though this is conjecture.

The reason i recommend starting with bag seed is a lot can go wrong with growing and especially your first couple of grows. So why waste the money on "genetics" when the grow might not work out. And if the bag seed grows - then you'll know you can go ahead with whatever strain you want to grow and you still have a harvest: win/win.

If you are set on getting a strain then big bud, some of the skunky strains and as jackinthebox mentioned - northern lights are said to be good for first timers.

I think the most important thing is to have fun!


Well-Known Member
Bagseed can look amazing (look at my gallery) and fail you. These seeds were selected from a highly resinous Afghan Kush bag. FUCKin never showed signs of male flowers, but 5 weeks into flowering, started to develop tiny premature seeds pods inside the herb. Fuckin weak. If you think you know what you're doing, then listen to NGT, spend like 30 bucks on some shit, 10 bucks to ship it.. I for instance, on my second grow, am gonna be fuckin with White Label Double Gum (Sensi Co.) Cost me 40 bucks. I was only able to afford that at the time, but intend to get significantly better genetics very soon. Reliable delivery to the states bro. Refer to https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/32783-seed-ordering-success.html


New Member
Yes absolutely don't worry about it... you can buy seeds without going to jail... It's not a crime they would come after you for just take your seeds and tell you in writing. The reason is not because there Cannabis seeds it's because international laws prohibit "any seeds" being sent or received. I looked into it haha... But do your research on the company you plan to buy through most seed banks won't sale direct but a reputable seed bank will usually be used by several distributors and be listed on their website.
Heres a couple of the bigger ones that I know ship to the US in discreet stealth packaging, The Single Seed Company and Attitude Seeds... When all else fails do research


Well-Known Member
Nice to have some quality along with ease of growth. I have had friends grow Aurora Indica and it is tolerant of abuse. Indicas in general are short finishing, short in stature , and good yielding plants. I'm a sativa fan...but that's only for the experienced.