What is the most potent strain you have tried?

Jack Herer in Amsterdam last year... Just before Christmas me and a mate went for the yearly visit... Just arrived in the city... droped the bags off at the hotel.... went down stairs, into the first cafe we came to... ordered a couple of beers and a bag of Jack and went and sat outside looking onto this ice rink which was part of the christmas maket buzz... Stoked a generous bong and sooked one big hit... passed it to my mate and even as i was watching put the bomg to his mouth while breathing out my first hit... Bang.... We just sat there stairing at each other.... Very occationally acknowledging some of the most fabulasly Beautiful women endlessly cycling by... by the time we notised we'd finished our first pint 2 and a half hours had went by!! Welcome to Amsterdam!!! Boom!!!
About 15 years ago, a friend of mine brought some "special" herb in. He never told me where he got it, and I never really thought to ask, but it looked commercially grown.

Looking at it closer, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Inside the bag was one reasonably big bud, maybe the size of a half-dollar. It had some resin, a moderate and fairly unimpressive smell. The most interesting thing about it was that it was not green or brown, but rather a dull clay color, red-tan. I'd never seen anything like it (or since, actually). Broken open, there were maybe 1-2 seeds in there. Frankly, I wasn't expecting all that much from this stuff.

Friend claimed the stuff was called "Willie's one-hit Wonder" (his exact phrase), and it was supposed to be real good.

Anyway, we rolled up a normal sized joint and him, myself, and my brother each had maybe 2 or 3 good puffs.

15 minutes later, we were just stupid. I could barely formulate a sentence, and my eyelids were drooping so hard, I could barely see. Ditto for my friend, who couldn't do more than stare blankly and say "whooooooooa!".

Meanwhile, my brother literally couldn't stand up. . .he collapsed on the floor.

Was this the real "Williams Wonder"? I have no idea. . .you basically never know when you get something this way, but I guess it might have been. Maybe it was "Panama Red". Anyone care to comment?

I've had a similar experience smoking the "good stuff" in Amsterdam. More than a decade later, I can't remember what strain it was supposed to be. The woman I was with at the time just asked the barkeep for "something good", he brought out a little bag, and we rolled a joint.

All I remember was two puffs later I was done. My head was swimming, I could barely move, and I learned that day why the locals always mix their weed with regular cigarette tobacco!

Around 96 I had what sounds like the same stuff your talking about.. The guy said it was called williams weed..... This was on the east coast... NYC to be exact.... This stuff blew my mind...lol... 2 hits and I was gone....
Jack Herer from BCbud..2005, smoked 2 hits, actually felt like I was floating..been toking for 40 yrs..never got that high on 2 hits..I'm on a mission to get as close as I can with new strains since than!!!
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I do not equate potency and couch-lock. To me toking is all about getting high, not getting stoned.

What is the most potent pot I ever smoked? A pure staiva that came from the Dalat Province, brought back from Vietnam in 1969. I have smoked many potent strains since, but none have matched or topped "the jungle kind."

Here is a portion of an article from an old issue of High Times where a Vietnam Vet tells about the amazing potency of the strains from Vietnam, the province of Dalat in particular.


A Pot Crop Lives Now

by Dr. Dalat
Thu, Jun 16, 2005 12:23 pm


The story of a war-veteran helicopter pilot who never got higher than when he smoked the fabled Vietnamese strains while “in country.” Decades later, he seeks out these same plants to grow for himself at home and to smoke through his retirement.

Story & photos by Dr. Dalat

Thirty-two years ago, I was a 20-year-old fresh-faced and very naive young man sent to Southeast Asia by the US government—caught up, like so many of my generation, in the wide, sweeping net of the final military draft of the last century and sent to fight the war in Vietnam. As a helicopter pilot, I flew all over the central highlands of that country, circa 1969-71, and experienced much of the worst that man has to offer his fellow man, but also plenty of the best. One of my most remarkable memories was discovering a plantation of 30-foot-tall cannabis sativa trees in a very isolated province called Dalat.

Dalat at that time was way off the beaten path. Nestled between two mountain ranges at an altitude of around 4,500 feet and really only accessible from the air (I had a distinct advantage because of my air mobility), the region was rumored amongst the grunts to be the birthplace of Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam’s spiritual and political leader, and therefore off limits to the enemy Viet Cong. The truth of the matter was, of course, quite different. In reality, the VC used Dalat for R&R (rest and relaxation) for their troops and therefore, quite wisely, refrained from initiating any action in and around the province. In effect, both sides considered it an unofficial “no-fire zone.”

While on one of my many fly-ins to Dalat City, I met the owner of the cannabis plantation—a wonderful older French gentleman who was always more than kind when it came to sharing his bounty. For our part, those of us in the helicopter crews kept him well stocked with much-needed and hard-to-get staples and supplies that we would scavenge from the various US base mess halls and supply depots that we visited regularly.

The best of the sativas came from the highland areas of Vietnam, places like Ban Me Thuot and Pleiku, and were similar to the highland Thai sativas in almost all respects. The very best of all were grown in the province of Dalat—cultivated for centuries by the indigenous tribes of mountain people known as Montagnards (although in their language, they refer to themselves as “Human Beings”), these crops produced without a doubt the most remarkable and mind-expanding herb I’ve ever experienced.

Keep in mind that the Montagnard people are an ancient culture, with no real written record—only stories passed down from generation to generation. I recall most vividly sitting amongst the tribal chieftains and listening to them chant stories about “the beginnings of time” and how cannabis had been with them forever to guide them on their spiritual journey of pantheism. They have two words in their language for cannabis. The first translates loosely as “Path to the Gods.” The second is used only if you smoke too much of this fine herb, and it describes the state of mind of someone who has done just that. It translates simply as “The Mind of God.”

For many of us who served the “Masters of War” in those days, Vietnamese pot became our path to sanity, our lifeline. It was a simple yet very effective way of maintaining peace of mind amidst the chaos of the conflict—an escape from the horrendous reality of our daily lives. From 1964 to 1974, thousands of US soldiers came home from the war carrying as much of this “boo” with them as possible—introducing the exotic smokes of Southeast Asia to the world at large, the seeds of which would provide the main genetic building blocks for many modern strains of cannabis. Ask anyone who came of age during that time, and you’ll notice a quick flash of the eyes as their mind recalls the experience of smoking “the jungle kind.” Though often ridiculed by younger generations as the quaint musings of aging hippies, the sad fact remains that most folks younger than 45 simply have never experienced the mind-bending high of the pure land-race sativa strains of Southeast Asia.

Amen, Dr. Dalat!

Once again, I agree with Bricktop. I don't consider couch lock a positive effect at all. It's only use may be for sleep disorders. Even pain can be managed without "couch lock".

The most potent strains are pretty much what he says as well, Landrace SE Asia..Thai, Cambodia, Laos...Landrace Hawaiian can get in that class..almost any equatorial sativa.

Generally speaking, very few people under the age of 50 have gotten to sample them....they quit coming into the U.S. long ago. Although the genetics can still be acquired, Few people grow them, and even fewer grow them well.

They tend to be long flowering strains (13 weeks plus) relatively low yielding (considering the time and space they need) and really finicky feeders...an "experienced" level grow.

Due to these factors, and the fact that they tend to look wispy (considered to have less "bag appeal") ..only connoisseur growers have much luck with them...and the finished bud rarely leaves his 'inner circle".

Funny Bricktop mentioned Vietnam vets...I just posted the other day under organic, in the Sub cool organic section, Photos of a strain I've been growing for 30 some years now..seeds came back with a veteran.

Here's a pic..not that impressive to look at...long running wispy bud..but mmmmmmmmmm
there's a big thread here or at gypsy's, that discusses a report that stated that THC was highest when all the trichomes were clear. this was a legit guy who did the testing, so my only conclusion is that, since most of us prefer our pot with at least partly cloudy trichs, all the way to having amber ones, that there is much more to the high we enjoy than THC!

i laugh at the people who think that pot only got strong in the last few decades, and that in the thousands of years of cultivation of marijuana, no one had managed this feat before! :lol:

It depends on the "high" your looking for. The reason thc levels are the highest when trichs are clear, is that CBD (the compound that produces "stone") is produced as thc degrades...in essence thc is being traded for CBD.
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Once again, I agree with Bricktop. I don't consider couch lock a positive effect at all. It's only use may be for sleep disorders. Even pain can be managed without "couch lock".

The most potent strains are pretty much what he says as well, Landrace SE Asia..Thai, Cambodia, Laos...Landrace Hawaiian can get in that class..almost any equatorial sativa.

Generally speaking, very few people under the age of 50 have gotten to sample them....they quit coming into the U.S. long ago. Although the genetics can still be acquired, Few people grow them, and even fewer grow them well.

They tend to be long flowering strains (13 weeks plus) relatively low yielding (considering the time and space they need) and really finicky feeders...an "experienced" level grow.

Due to these factors, and the fact that they tend to look wispy (considered to have less "bag appeal") ..only connoisseur growers have much luck with them...and the finished bud rarely leaves his 'inner circle".

Funny Bricktop mentioned Vietnam vets...I just posted the other day under organic, in the Sub cool organic section, Photos of a strain I've been growing for 30 some years now..seeds came back with a veteran.

Here's a pic..not that impressive to look at...long running wispy bud..but mmmmmmmmmm

i have a major sleeping disorder, and a couchlock type is all that helps me, from my experience. without a very strong couchlock strain i wont sleep for days. thats y i started this thread to try to find the best one
Around 96 I had what sounds like the same stuff your talking about.. The guy said it was called williams weed..... This was on the east coast... NYC to be exact.... This stuff blew my mind...lol... 2 hits and I was gone....
Now THAT's interesting, because my friend was working a union job in NYC at the time, and I'm pretty sure he must have gotten it there.

I should probably call him up and ask him if he can remember where he got it or anything else about it. . .though not like that's going to help me now!

Thinking about this more, I think the bud had one seed in it, but unfortunately, it wasn't viable.

Knowing my friend, I wouldn't at all be surprised if he still had a bag of seeds from the mid 1990s stashed away somewhere.
Now THAT's interesting, because my friend was working a union job in NYC at the time, and I'm pretty sure he must have gotten it there.

I should probably call him up and ask him if he can remember where he got it or anything else about it. . .though not like that's going to help me now!

Thinking about this more, I think the bud had one seed in it, but unfortunately, it wasn't viable.

Knowing my friend, I wouldn't at all be surprised if he still had a bag of seeds from the mid 1990s stashed away somewhere.

That would be pretty cool if it was the same strain....lol.... It was bought in Bay ridge Brooklyn to be exact in 95 or 96......
Before I joined the military during the Vietnam conflict, my sster gave me some "Nam" weed. It didn't get me high because that was the first time that I had smoked and I wasn't "doing it right!" After I joined, I had some Thai Stick. It was some herb brought back to the base by the crew of the B-52's on their return from the Nam. I remember the weed was wrapped around a stick. It was VERY good...but scarse. I began selling Columbian Gold by the ounce. It was very potent, very lucrative, and there was a plethora of the strain in 1973. The cocaine from Columbia in those days was very expensive and called the rich man's drug, so the cartels at that time were selling weed.
Originally Posted by Jogro
Now THAT's interesting, because my friend was working a union job in NYC at the time, and I'm pretty sure he must have gotten it there.

I should probably call him up and ask him if he can remember where he got it or anything else about it. . .though not like that's going to help me now!

Thinking about this more, I think the bud had one seed in it, but unfortunately, it wasn't viable.

Knowing my friend, I wouldn't at all be surprised if he still had a bag of seeds from the mid 1990s stashed away somewhere.
That would be pretty cool if it was the same strain....lol.... It was bought in Bay ridge Brooklyn to be exact in 95 or 96......

OK, I actually spoke to my friend earlier this week, and the rest of the story is actually pretty cool.

I asked him if he remembered 15 years ago when we smoked that "Williams Wonder".

Not only did he remember exactly what happened when we smoked it, plus what it looked like, he told me quite the interesting back story of where he got it.

At the time (again this was around 1996) he was working at a tattoo shop in North Jersey close to the tunnel, not a union job in Manhattan, as I said earlier.

His boss was quite a character, and while surfing the internet one day, he somewhere came across an ad listing weed for sale.

The boss figured the ad had to be bogus but sent the seller an email anyway. The seller wrote back with a menu of various strains of weed they could order though the mail, or even seeds. The price was also unbelievably cheap, even for that time.

He was skeptical, but wanted to give it a shot, so he pulled my friend in and the two of them pooled a small amount of cash, and sent it overseas to the listed address in Europe. My friend says he remembers it was in Germany, though I suspect it was probably Holland.

Anyway, they figured if they got the stuff, its a score, if not they're only out a small amount of money each, and if the package got intercepted they'd act stupid and deny everything. A little bit to their surprise, a few weeks later they got a CD case in the mail from Europe. Opening it up, there were some flattened buds secreted inside.

The stuff was so good, they repeated the order, trying different types. On their second order they got the "Williams Wonder" that knocked our butts on the ground.

After about 3 or 4 orders, the seller flaked out, and they never heard from him again.

So that's the story!

Of course neither the boss nor my friend were actually growers, so they never ordered any seeds. Kind of a shame, because maybe they could have gotten some "Williams Wonder" seeds, which would have been pretty cool.

I also asked my friend if he had any left over seeds from that era, and the answer was a no. He quit smoking a few years ago and didn't keep any.
Strongest Hash I ever had was Nepalese Temple Ball, it far outclassed any of what I had in Amsterdam, by a long way. Only needed to put in a tiny bit, just enough to taste it in a one skin joint and it was stronger than a packed full size spliff of Blue Cheese Bud. That stuff is in a class of its own by a long way. THC percentage does not determine how strong Bud or Hash is, the make up of the THC does. Nepalese Temple Ball is on average 11% to 15% THC, superpolm is on average 18% thc, but the Nepalese is far stronger.
Some people here might know this one. MONKEY PAW. Killer smoke! I crossed it with god bud. lets hope it keeps most of the paws qualiies.
Some sour diesel at it's finest. Knocked me on my ass. But nothing compares to this shit that I got one time and never heard of or saw again. It was Blue Dream x White Widow. A joint had me laying down and not getting up for the rest of the night.
I haven't tried a lot of strains....but super silver haze got me so bent one night I threw myself into the Canal in Amsterdam.
Some may remember seeing the picture of wacky weed in an old high times. It came pressed into fruitcake tins. That was the best weed I ever smoked and second to that is the colombian gold I grew from world of seeds a supposed landrace strain. I was lucky enough to miss the viet nam war due to medical reasons, I was a junkie. A big thank you for those who did serve. One of my very best friends recently died, he was a combat wounded veteran. Silver star with valor I think he received? He told some wild stories about viet nam. Anyway I had another friend bring back speakers packed with nam weed, what kind I have no idea. Back then wasn't everything a sativa and didn't everything have seeds?

I also agree that the weed of today is no better than some of the excellent sativas of old, if anything the sativas even with seeds were better and the hash was excellent. Nepalese hash, yummy. One toke and I was breaking out in a sweat.

Anyway the colombian gold I recently grew was fantastic. Fragrant, sweet and skunky and super resinous. Right from the day it was dry it was excellent and only got better as it cured. The few people who did get to try it loved it and here's the best part. The plant I grew was a clone from the seed plant, it finished in eight weeks and any subsequent clone also finished in eight but got skimpier as each generation passed. After about the fourth or fifth clone of a clone it was just too airy but it never lost its potency or fragrance and taste. I would recommend it to any sativa lover.

Edit. In a scrog I got either just under or over four ounces dry and the last plant which was getting rather wispy I still got over two ounces dry growing it regularly in a three gallon smart pot.
i have a major sleeping disorder, and a couchlock type is all that helps me, from my experience. without a very strong couchlock strain i wont sleep for days. thats y i started this thread to try to find the best one

In thirty years of daily smoking and 3 growing. I can honestly say that few strains I have smoked or grown have got near the all out knockout punch of a g13 auto ak47 i recently finished under a 250 hps. I shit you not! I only grew this freebie after my main crop failed. It grew alongside the vegging replacements with a couple of others "as something to smoke".
Anywaaay, this shit is rude! One of my other pastimes is online racing(gran turismo tbe) and I found myself falling asleep on the straights whilst racing during the day!!! This one was not for the car! Wake and bake had you yawning by 10.30am! I've done upwards of 20 strains and always har
vest as the first ambers appear and vast majority are cloudy/milky. I would never lie to my brothers and sisters on this forum. and I know I'm asking for ridicule with it being an auto but something in the above post touched me in some way. It was only one(an attitude fem freebie actually) but conformed to the discription(for once, lol). Tastes really good and smells great too, very similiar to her namesake.
I promise the above poster that it will render you able to sleep almost at will! Good for pain I found too(mainly through being asleep half the bloody time!) Handle with care and DO NOT DRIVE!